examine and note the similarities or differences of; "John compared his haircut to his friend's"; "We compared notes after we had both seen the movie"
consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; "We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans"; "You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed"
to form the comparative or superlative form on an adjective or adverb
be comparable; "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes"
deal with (something unpleasant) head on; "You must confront your problems"; "He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes"
present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize; "We confronted him with the evidence"; "He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions"; "An enormous dilemma faces us"
oppose, as in hostility or a competition; "You must confront your opponent"; "Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring"; "The two enemies finally confronted each other"
be face to face with; "The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume"
the act of distinguishing by comparing differences
the range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness)
the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors
the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared; "in contrast to", "by contrast"
put in opposition to show or emphasize differences; "The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student"
to show differences when compared; be different; "the students contrast considerably in their artistic abilities"
Israeli statesman (born in Russia) who (as prime minister of Israel) negotiated a peace treaty with Anwar Sadat (then the president of Egypt) (1913-1992)
set in motion, cause to start; "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"; "The Iraqis began hostilities"; "begin a new chapter in your life"
begin to speak or say; "Now listen, friends," he began
begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language; "She began Russian at an early age"; "We started French in fourth grade"
achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative; "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"; "You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"
begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object; "begin a cigar"; "She started the soup while it was still hot"; "We started physics in 10th grade"
have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense; "The DMZ begins right over the hill"; "The second movement begins after the Allegro"; "Prices for these homes start at $250,000"
have a beginning characterized in some specified way; "The novel begins with a murder"; "My property begins with the three maple trees"; "Her day begins with a workout"; "The semester begins with a convocation ceremony"
have a beginning, of a temporal event; "WW II began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland"; "The company's Asia tour begins next month"
be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series; "The number `one' begins the sequence"; "A terrible murder begins the novel"; "The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester"