edible marine bivalve having a fluted fan-shaped shell that swim by expelling water from the shell in a series of snapping motions
edible muscle of mollusks having fan-shaped shells; served broiled or poached or in salads or cream sauces
one of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)
shape or cut in scallops; "scallop the hem of the dress"
fish for scallops
form scallops in; "scallop the meat"
bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top
decorate an edge with scallops; "the dress had a scalloped skirt"
in or to a backstage area of a theater; "costumes were changed backstage"
out of view of the public; behind the scenes; "Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal"; "many private deals were made backstage at the convention"
the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged; "he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta"
aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; "he has been on relief for many years"
assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"
sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background
the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief"
(law) redress awarded by a court; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"
the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"