- abut on,
- adopt,
- appropriate,
- arrogate,
- asphyxiate,
- assume,
- bawl out,
- be based on,
- bear on,
- bestraddle,
- bestride,
- black out,
- bottle up,
- censor,
- chew,
- chew ass,
- chew out,
- choke off,
- clamp down on,
- colonize,
- conquer,
- cork,
- cork up,
- crack down on,
- crush,
- cuss out,
- damp down,
- drown,
- enslave,
- extinguish,
- gag,
- give a going-over,
- give hail Columbia,
- give hell,
- give the deuce,
- give what-for,
- hog,
- hold down,
- hugger-mugger,
- hush,
- hush up,
- hush-hush,
- indent,
- jack up,
- jump a claim,
- jump on,
- keep down,
- keep under,
- kill,
- lambaste,
- lean on,
- lie on,
- make free with,
- make use of,
- monopolize,
- muffle,
- muzzle,
- occupy,
- overrun,
- perch,
- pour water on,
- preempt,
- preoccupy,
- prepossess,
- put down,
- quash,
- quell,
- quench,
- ream,
- ream ass,
- ream out,
- rely on,
- repose on,
- repress,
- requisition,
- rest on,
- ride,
- shush,
- shut down on,
- silence,
- sit down on,
- smash,
- smother,
- squash,
- squat on,
- squelch,
- stanch,
- stand on,
- stifle,
- straddle,
- strangle,
- stride,
- stultify,
- subdue,
- subjugate,
- suffocate,
- suppress,
- take all of,
- take it all,
- take over,
- take possession of,
- take up,
- throttle,
- usurp