sparing in consumption of especially food and drink; "the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious"- John Galsworthy
marked by temperance in indulgence; "abstemious with the use of adverbs"; "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper"
impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses; "an imperceptible drop in temperature"; "an imperceptible nod"; "color is unperceivable to the touch"
large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage"
of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"
being of delicate or slender build; "she was slender as a willow shoot is slender"- Frank Norris; "a slim girl with straight blonde hair"; "watched her slight figure cross the street"
small in quantity; "slender wages"; "a slim chance of winning"; "a small surplus"
having little width in proportion to the length or height; "a slender pole"
excessively unwilling to spend; "parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses"; "lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence"