Exact Match:
- specification
- (patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and use of an invention
- a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work
- naming explicitly
- allocation,
- allowance,
- analysis,
- anatomization,
- assignment,
- atomization,
- attribution,
- boundary condition,
- bounding,
- cameo,
- catalog,
- cataloging,
- catch,
- cession,
- character,
- character sketch,
- characterization,
- circling-in,
- circumscribing,
- circumscription,
- circumstantiation,
- clause,
- concession,
- condition,
- consideration,
- definition,
- delimitation,
- delineation,
- demarcation,
- denomination,
- denotation,
- depiction,
- describing,
- description,
- designation,
- detail,
- details,
- determination,
- differentiation,
- disclosure,
- donnee,
- encincture,
- enumeration,
- escalator clause,
- escape clause,
- escape hatch,
- evocation,
- exception,
- exemption,
- expression,
- extenuating circumstances,
- fine print,
- fingering,
- fixing,
- given,
- grain of salt,
- grant,
- graphic account,
- grounds,
- hedge,
- hedging,
- hint,
- identification,
- identifying,
- image,
- imagery,
- impression,
- inclusion-exclusion,
- indication,
- indicativeness,
- inventory,
- itemization,
- itemizing,
- joker,
- kicker,
- limitation,
- limiting condition,
- limning,
- list,
- listing,
- manifestation,
- meaning,
- mental reservation,
- modification,
- naming,
- obligation,
- parameter,
- particularization,
- photograph,
- picking out,
- picture,
- pinning down,
- pointing,
- pointing out,
- pointing to,
- portrait,
- portraiture,
- portrayal,
- precision,
- prerequisite,
- profile,
- provision,
- provisions,
- proviso,
- qualification,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- representation,
- requirement,
- requisite,
- reservation,
- restriction,
- salvo,
- saving clause,
- selection,
- show,
- showing,
- signification,
- sine qua non,
- sketch,
- small print,
- special case,
- special treatment,
- specialness,
- specifying,
- stipulation,
- string,
- suggestion,
- symptomaticness,
- terms,
- ultimatum,
- vignette,
- vivid description,
- waiver,
- whereas,
- word painting