Exact Match:
- spring
- a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed; "the spring was broken"
- a point at which water issues forth
- a natural flow of ground water
- the season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring"; "he will hold office until the spring of next year"
- develop suddenly; "The tire sprang a leak"
- produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; "He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving"
- Eastertide,
- Highland fling,
- Lastex,
- Maytime,
- accrue from,
- adaptability,
- adolescence,
- aestival,
- air mattress,
- airiness,
- ambition,
- anabasis,
- and jump,
- appear,
- arctic,
- arise,
- arrive,
- ascension,
- ascent,
- aspiration,
- autumn,
- autumnal,
- backfire,
- backlash,
- backlashing,
- balance spring,
- baleen,
- basis,
- baths,
- battledore,
- be born,
- be contingent on,
- be due to,
- bedding,
- bedspring,
- begin,
- beginning,
- bend,
- bevy,
- birth,
- blast,
- blitz,
- blow to pieces,
- blow up,
- bolster,
- bolt,
- bomb,
- bombard,
- bonanza,
- boomerang,
- boreal,
- bounce,
- bounce back,
- bounciness,
- bound,
- bound back,
- broach,
- broad jump,
- brumal,
- buck,
- buckjump,
- buckle,
- bud from,
- budtime,
- buoyance,
- buoyancy,
- burst forth,
- calling,
- canicular,
- cannon,
- cannon off,
- canter,
- capriole,
- carom,
- casino,
- cause,
- charm,
- chewing gum,
- chink,
- clamber,
- clear,
- cleave,
- climb,
- climbing,
- cloud,
- club,
- clubhouse,
- come,
- come from,
- come into being,
- come into existence,
- come out,
- come out of,
- come up,
- commence,
- consideration,
- contort,
- contrecoup,
- cornucopia,
- covey,
- crack,
- crevasse,
- crook,
- crumple,
- curvet,
- cushion,
- cut,
- cut open,
- dart,
- demivolt,
- depend on,
- derive from,
- descend from,
- discharge,
- dispart,
- distort,
- divaricate,
- divide,
- elastic,
- elasticity,
- elastomer,
- elevation,
- emanate,
- emanate from,
- emancipate,
- emerge,
- emerge from,
- ensue from,
- equinoctial,
- escalade,
- evolve,
- excitant,
- extensibility,
- fissure,
- flexibility,
- flight,
- flock,
- flow,
- flow from,
- fly,
- fly back,
- fly open,
- flying jump,
- follow from,
- font,
- fount,
- fountain,
- fountainhead,
- fox-trot,
- gaggle,
- galliard,
- gallop,
- gambling house,
- gathering place,
- gelandesprung,
- germinate from,
- get,
- git,
- give,
- gnarl,
- goal,
- gold mine,
- grand jete,
- greenness,
- ground,
- grow,
- grow from,
- grow out of,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- gum,
- gum elastic,
- gush,
- gyring up,
- hairspring,
- handball,
- handspring,
- hang on,
- hangout,
- hatch,
- haunt,
- have repercussions,
- head,
- headspring,
- headstream,
- headwater,
- health resort,
- hibernal,
- hiemal,
- high jump,
- hightail,
- hinge on,
- hippety-hop,
- hive,
- hop,
- hop along,
- hotfoot,
- hurdle,
- ideal,
- impetus,
- incise,
- incitement,
- increase,
- innerspring mattress,
- inspiration,
- intention,
- issue,
- issue from,
- jet,
- jete,
- jig,
- jump,
- jump over,
- jump shot,
- jump turn,
- jump-hop,
- jump-off,
- jumping jack,
- juvenility,
- kick,
- kick back,
- kickback,
- knot,
- lash back,
- lavolta,
- lay open,
- leap,
- leap over,
- leapfrog,
- levitation,
- liberate,
- litter,
- liveliness,
- lode,
- lodestar,
- long jump,
- loom,
- loose,
- lop,
- lope,
- mainspring,
- make tracks,
- manumit,
- mat,
- matter,
- mattress,
- meeting place,
- midsummer,
- midwinter,
- mine,
- morris,
- motive,
- mount,
- mounting,
- murmuration,
- negotiate,
- ope,
- open,
- open up,
- origin,
- originate,
- originate in,
- out of season,
- overjump,
- overleap,
- overskip,
- pad,
- pallet,
- part,
- pay for,
- pillow,
- pop,
- pounce,
- pounce on,
- pounce upon,
- primavera,
- prime,
- principle,
- proceed,
- proceed from,
- puberty,
- pubescence,
- purlieu,
- quarry,
- racket,
- rallying point,
- reason,
- rebound,
- rebuff,
- recalcitrate,
- recalcitration,
- recoil,
- release,
- rent,
- repercuss,
- repercussion,
- repulse,
- resile,
- resilience,
- resiliency,
- resort,
- resource,
- responsiveness,
- ricochet,
- rift,
- rip,
- rise,
- rising,
- rive,
- riverhead,
- rocketing up,
- root,
- rubber,
- rubber ball,
- rubber band,
- rug,
- run,
- running broad jump,
- running high jump,
- sake,
- saltation,
- saut de basque,
- score,
- screw,
- seasonal,
- seedtime,
- separate,
- shock absorber,
- shoot up,
- shooting up,
- skein,
- ski jump,
- skip,
- skitter,
- sleeping bag,
- slit,
- snap,
- snap back,
- soaring,
- solstitial,
- source,
- source of supply,
- spa,
- spandex,
- split,
- spout,
- spread,
- spread out,
- sprightliness,
- spring back,
- spring from,
- spring open,
- springboard,
- springhead,
- springiness,
- springlike,
- springs,
- springtide,
- springtime,
- sprint,
- sprout,
- sprout from,
- spurt,
- stamping ground,
- staple,
- start,
- start aside,
- start up,
- startle,
- steeplechase,
- stem,
- stem from,
- step,
- step along,
- step lively,
- stimulant,
- stimulus,
- stretch,
- stretch fabric,
- stretchability,
- stretchiness,
- summer,
- summerlike,
- summerly,
- summery,
- surge,
- swarm,
- swing open,
- takeoff,
- taking off,
- tap,
- tear,
- tear open,
- throw open,
- tone,
- tonicity,
- tonus,
- tour jete,
- trampoline,
- trip,
- trot,
- turn,
- turn awry,
- turn on,
- twist,
- ulterior motive,
- unbind,
- unchain,
- underbed,
- underbedding,
- unshackle,
- upclimb,
- upcoming,
- updive,
- updraft,
- upgang,
- upgo,
- upgoing,
- upgrade,
- upgrowth,
- uphill,
- upleap,
- uplift,
- upping,
- uprisal,
- uprise,
- uprising,
- uprush,
- upshoot,
- upslope,
- upspring,
- upsurge,
- upsurgence,
- upsweep,
- upswing,
- vault,
- vein,
- vernal,
- vocation,
- warp,
- watch,
- watering place,
- well,
- wellhead,
- wellspring,
- whalebone,
- whence,
- winter,
- winterlike,
- wintery,
- wintry,
- wrench,
- wrest,
- wring,
- writhe,
- yield,
- youthfulness,
- youthhood,
- zooming