Exact Match:
- sunrise
- the daily event of the sun rising above the horizon
- atmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily appearance of the sun
- aurora,
- break of day,
- brightening,
- cardinal points,
- chanticleer,
- cockcrow,
- cocklight,
- compass card,
- compass rose,
- crack of dawn,
- dawn,
- dawning,
- day-peep,
- daybreak,
- daylight,
- dayspring,
- degrees,
- east,
- eastward,
- first brightening,
- half points,
- light,
- lubber line,
- morn,
- morning,
- north,
- northeast,
- northward,
- northwest,
- occident,
- orient,
- peep of day,
- prime,
- quarter points,
- rhumb,
- south,
- southeast,
- southward,
- southwest,
- sunset,
- sunup,
- vestibule of Day,
- west,
- westward