Exact Match:
- surveying
- the practice of measuring angles and distances on the ground so that they can be accurately plotted on a map; "he studied surveying at college"
- altimetry,
- appraisal,
- appraisement,
- approximation,
- assessment,
- assize,
- assizement,
- bathymetry,
- biometrics,
- biometry,
- cadastration,
- calculation,
- cartography,
- chorography,
- computation,
- correction,
- craniometry,
- determination,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- evaluation,
- gauging,
- geodesy,
- geodetic satellite,
- geodetics,
- geography,
- goniometry,
- hypsography,
- hypsometry,
- instrumentation,
- measure,
- measurement,
- measuring,
- mensuration,
- metric system,
- metrology,
- navigation,
- oceanography,
- orbiting geophysical observatory,
- planimetry,
- psychometrics,
- psychometry,
- quantification,
- quantization,
- rating,
- stereometry,
- survey,
- telemetering,
- telemetry,
- topography,
- triangulation,
- valuation