Exact Match:
- tack
- sailing a zigzag course
- (nautical) the act of changing tack
- a short nail with a sharp point and a large head
- the heading or position of a vessel relative to the trim of its sails
- fasten with tacks; "tack the notice on the board"
- turn into the wind; "The sailors decided to tack the boat"; "The boat tacked"
- MO,
- aberrancy,
- aberration,
- about ship,
- affix,
- algorithm,
- alter,
- alteration,
- ameliorate,
- annex,
- append,
- approach,
- articulate,
- attach,
- attack,
- azimuth,
- back and fill,
- back band,
- backstrap,
- baste,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be changed,
- be converted into,
- be renewed,
- bear away,
- bear off,
- bear to starboard,
- bearing,
- bearing rein,
- beat,
- beat about,
- bellyband,
- bend,
- bias,
- bind,
- bit,
- blinders,
- blinds,
- bolt,
- bottom out,
- box off,
- branch off,
- branching off,
- braze,
- break,
- breeching,
- bridle,
- bring about,
- bring round,
- buckle,
- butt,
- button,
- cant,
- cant round,
- caparison,
- cast,
- cast about,
- cavesson,
- cement,
- change,
- change course,
- change the bearing,
- change the heading,
- checker,
- checkrein,
- cheekpiece,
- chinband,
- chop,
- chop and change,
- cinch,
- circuitousness,
- clasp,
- cleat,
- clip,
- collar,
- combine,
- come about,
- come around,
- come round,
- compass bearing,
- compass direction,
- cordage,
- cording,
- corner,
- couple,
- course,
- crook,
- crownband,
- crupper,
- curb,
- curve,
- declination,
- deflection,
- degenerate,
- depart from,
- departure,
- deteriorate,
- detour,
- deviance,
- deviancy,
- deviate,
- deviation,
- deviousness,
- digress,
- digression,
- direction,
- discursion,
- divagate,
- divagation,
- divaricate,
- divarication,
- diverge,
- divergence,
- diversify,
- diversion,
- dogleg,
- double,
- double a point,
- dovetail,
- drift,
- drifting,
- equipage,
- equipment,
- errantry,
- excursion,
- excursus,
- exorbitation,
- fashion,
- fasten,
- fastening,
- fetch about,
- fittings,
- fix,
- flop,
- form,
- gag swivel,
- gear,
- girth,
- glue,
- go about,
- guise,
- gybe,
- hackamore,
- hairpin,
- halter,
- hames,
- hametugs,
- harness,
- hasp,
- haul around,
- headgear,
- heading,
- headstall,
- heave round,
- heel,
- hinge,
- hip straps,
- hitch,
- hook,
- improve,
- indirection,
- jam,
- jaquima,
- jerk line,
- jibe,
- jibe all standing,
- join,
- joint,
- kit,
- latch,
- lee side,
- line,
- line of action,
- lines,
- lock,
- magnetic bearing,
- manner,
- manner of working,
- martingale,
- means,
- meliorate,
- method,
- methodology,
- miss stays,
- miter,
- mitigate,
- mode,
- mode of operation,
- mode of procedure,
- modulate,
- modus operandi,
- mortise,
- mutate,
- nail,
- noseband,
- obliquity,
- order,
- outfit,
- paste,
- path,
- peg,
- pererration,
- pin,
- ply,
- pole strap,
- practice,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- process,
- put about,
- put back,
- rabbet,
- rambling,
- reins,
- relative bearing,
- revive,
- ribbons,
- rig,
- rigging,
- rivet,
- ropework,
- roping,
- round a point,
- routine,
- saddle,
- saddlery,
- scarf,
- screw,
- secure,
- sew,
- shaft tug,
- sheer,
- shift,
- shifting,
- shifting course,
- shifting path,
- side check,
- skew,
- skewer,
- slant,
- slew,
- snaffle,
- snap,
- solder,
- staple,
- stick,
- stitch,
- straying,
- style,
- surcingle,
- sweep,
- swerve,
- swerving,
- swing round,
- swing the stern,
- swinging,
- system,
- tack on,
- tackle,
- tag on,
- take a turn,
- tangent,
- technique,
- the drill,
- the how,
- the way of,
- throw about,
- thumbtack,
- tie,
- toggle,
- tone,
- trappings,
- trend,
- true bearing,
- tug,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- turn back,
- turn into,
- turn the corner,
- turning,
- twist,
- undergo a change,
- unite,
- variation,
- vary,
- vector,
- veer,
- veer off,
- wandering,
- warp,
- way,
- wear,
- wear ship,
- weather side,
- wedge,
- weld,
- wind,
- winker braces,
- wise,
- worsen,
- yaw,
- yoke,
- zigzag,
- zipper