Exact Match:
- tailpiece
- appendage added to extend the length of something
- accession,
- accessory,
- accompaniment,
- addenda,
- addendum,
- additament,
- addition,
- additive,
- additory,
- additum,
- adjunct,
- adjuvant,
- afterpart,
- afterpiece,
- anacrusis,
- annex,
- annexation,
- appanage,
- appendage,
- appendant,
- appurtenance,
- appurtenant,
- attachment,
- augment,
- augmentation,
- back,
- back door,
- back seat,
- back side,
- bass passage,
- behind,
- bourdon,
- breech,
- bridge,
- brush,
- burden,
- cadence,
- cauda,
- caudal appendage,
- caudation,
- chorus,
- coda,
- complement,
- concomitant,
- continuation,
- corollary,
- cue,
- development,
- division,
- dock,
- exposition,
- extension,
- extrapolation,
- fantail,
- figure,
- fixture,
- folderol,
- harmonic close,
- heel,
- hind end,
- hind part,
- hindhead,
- increase,
- increment,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- introductory phrase,
- measure,
- movement,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- occiput,
- offshoot,
- ornament,
- part,
- passage,
- pendant,
- period,
- phrase,
- pigtail,
- posterior,
- postern,
- queue,
- rattail,
- rear,
- rear end,
- rearward,
- refrain,
- reinforcement,
- resolution,
- response,
- reverse,
- ritornello,
- section,
- side effect,
- side issue,
- stanza,
- statement,
- stern,
- strain,
- stub,
- supplement,
- tab,
- tag,
- tail,
- tail end,
- trail,
- trailer,
- train,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- undergirding,
- variation,
- verse,
- wake