Exact Match:
- trace
- either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
- an indication that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension"
- a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
- a just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent"
- follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress"
- make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
- copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
- make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the dark forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
- to go back over again; "we retraced the route we took last summer"; "trace your path"
- discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth"
- CRT spot,
- DM display,
- Doppler signal,
- IF signal,
- IM display,
- Photostat,
- RF echoes,
- Xerox,
- account,
- afterglow,
- afterimage,
- annals,
- aroma,
- ascertain,
- balance,
- beam,
- beat signal,
- bit,
- blaze,
- blaze a trail,
- blemish,
- blips,
- block in,
- block out,
- blotch,
- bounces,
- brand,
- breath,
- brief,
- butt,
- butt end,
- candle ends,
- cartoon,
- cast,
- catalog,
- catch a likeness,
- catchword,
- chaff,
- chalk,
- chalk out,
- chalk up,
- character,
- characterize,
- charcoal,
- chart,
- check,
- check off,
- chronicle,
- cicatrize,
- clone,
- clue,
- color,
- companion,
- condensation trail,
- contrail,
- copy,
- copy out,
- correspondence,
- course,
- crayon,
- crosshatch,
- cue,
- cue word,
- dapple,
- dash,
- dash off,
- daub,
- dead ringer,
- debris,
- define,
- definite odor,
- delimit,
- delineate,
- demarcate,
- depict,
- design,
- detect,
- detectable odor,
- determine,
- detritus,
- diagram,
- discolor,
- discover,
- display,
- ditto,
- documentation,
- dog,
- doodle,
- dot,
- double,
- double-dot display,
- draft,
- draw,
- draw up,
- drop,
- dupe,
- duplicate,
- echo,
- echo signal,
- edit,
- effigy,
- effluvium,
- emanation,
- end,
- enface,
- engrave,
- engross,
- essence,
- evidence,
- exact likeness,
- exhalation,
- facsimile,
- fag end,
- fellow,
- filings,
- find,
- find out,
- flavor,
- fleck,
- follow,
- follow a clue,
- follow up,
- footprints,
- fossil,
- fragrance,
- freckle,
- fume,
- gash,
- get,
- gleam,
- hatch,
- hectograph,
- hint,
- history,
- hit,
- hit off,
- holdover,
- hot lead,
- hunt down,
- hunt up,
- husks,
- icon,
- idea,
- idol,
- image,
- impress,
- imprint,
- indication,
- infusion,
- inkling,
- inscribe,
- intimation,
- invent,
- inventory,
- investigate,
- iota,
- jot,
- key,
- key word,
- lead,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- letters,
- lick,
- likeness,
- limn,
- line,
- list,
- living image,
- living picture,
- local oscillator signal,
- locate,
- look,
- make a mark,
- make a recension,
- make out,
- manifold,
- map,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- match,
- mate,
- memento,
- memorial,
- microcopy,
- microfilm,
- mimeo,
- mimeograph,
- miniature,
- mirroring,
- model,
- mottle,
- multigraph,
- nick,
- nose,
- nose out,
- notate,
- notch,
- odds and ends,
- odor,
- offscourings,
- orts,
- outline,
- output signal,
- paint,
- paint a picture,
- parings,
- path,
- pen,
- pencil,
- pepper,
- photograph,
- picture,
- picturize,
- pipe roll,
- pips,
- piste,
- point,
- portrait,
- portray,
- prick,
- print,
- prints,
- proof,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- puncture,
- pursue,
- push the pen,
- put in writing,
- quadruplicate,
- radar signal,
- rags,
- reading,
- recense,
- record,
- recording,
- rediscover,
- redolence,
- reduplicate,
- reflection,
- refuse,
- register,
- registry,
- relic,
- relics,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remnant,
- render,
- replicate,
- represent,
- reproduce,
- resemblance,
- residue,
- residuum,
- rest,
- return,
- return signal,
- revise,
- rewrite,
- riddle,
- roach,
- roll,
- rolls,
- roster,
- rota,
- rough in,
- rough out,
- rub,
- rubbing,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rump,
- run down,
- run to earth,
- sauce,
- savor,
- sawdust,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scent,
- schematize,
- scintilla,
- score,
- scotch,
- scourings,
- scraps,
- scratch,
- scrive,
- scroll,
- scumble,
- seal,
- seam,
- search for,
- seasoning,
- seek,
- semblance,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shavings,
- sign,
- signal,
- signal display,
- signs,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- sip,
- sketch,
- smack,
- smattering,
- smell,
- smell out,
- sniff out,
- soupcon,
- spark,
- speck,
- speckle,
- spice,
- spill ink,
- spit and image,
- spitting image,
- splotch,
- spoil paper,
- spoor,
- spot,
- sprinkling,
- stain,
- stalk,
- stamp,
- stat,
- stench,
- stencil,
- stigmatize,
- strain,
- straw,
- streak,
- striate,
- strike,
- stripe,
- stubble,
- stump,
- subtle odor,
- suggestion,
- sup,
- superscribe,
- survival,
- suspicion,
- sweepings,
- symbolize,
- table,
- tail,
- taint,
- take a rubbing,
- target image,
- taste,
- tattoo,
- telltale,
- tempering,
- thought,
- tick,
- tick off,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- tip-off,
- token,
- touch,
- trace down,
- trace out,
- trace over,
- traces,
- tracing,
- track,
- track down,
- tracks,
- trail,
- transcribe,
- transmitter signal,
- tread,
- trifle,
- triplicate,
- twin,
- type,
- underline,
- underscore,
- unearth,
- vapor trail,
- very image,
- very picture,
- vestige,
- video signal,
- wake,
- waste,
- whiff,
- write,
- write down,
- write out