Exact Match:
- travel
- the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel"
- change location; move, travel, or proceed; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"
- undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
- make a trip for pleasure
- undertake a journey or trip
- travel upon or across; "travel the oceans"
- travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge
- advance,
- advancement,
- advancing,
- ascend,
- associate,
- back,
- back up,
- budge,
- career,
- change,
- change place,
- circle,
- climb,
- clip,
- come along,
- come on,
- communication,
- commute,
- conduction,
- contagion,
- convection,
- course,
- cover,
- cover ground,
- cross,
- delivery,
- deportation,
- descend,
- diapedesis,
- diffusion,
- dissemination,
- do,
- ebb,
- excursions,
- expedition,
- expeditions,
- explore,
- export,
- exportation,
- expulsion,
- extradition,
- fare,
- fare forth,
- fetch,
- flit,
- flow,
- forward motion,
- forwardal,
- forwarding,
- fraternize,
- furtherance,
- furthering,
- gain ground,
- gait,
- gang,
- gather head,
- gather way,
- get ahead,
- get along,
- get over,
- globe-trotting,
- go,
- go ahead,
- go along,
- go around,
- go fast,
- go forward,
- go on,
- go over,
- go round,
- go sideways,
- go-ahead,
- gyrate,
- hang about,
- hang around,
- headway,
- hie,
- import,
- importation,
- interchange,
- journey,
- journeyings,
- journeys,
- junkets,
- lick,
- make good time,
- make head against,
- make headway,
- make progress,
- make progress against,
- make strides,
- make up leeway,
- march,
- measure,
- metastasis,
- metathesis,
- metempsychosis,
- migration,
- mount,
- move,
- move along,
- move forward,
- move on,
- move over,
- mutual transfer,
- odyssey,
- ongoing,
- onward course,
- osmosis,
- overpass,
- pace,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- pass over,
- pass through,
- passage,
- passing over,
- patrol,
- perambulate,
- peregrinate,
- peregrinations,
- pererrate,
- perfusion,
- peripatetics,
- plunge,
- ply,
- proceed,
- process,
- progress,
- progression,
- progressiveness,
- promotion,
- push on,
- range,
- range over,
- rate,
- reconnoiter,
- regress,
- repair,
- retrogress,
- rise,
- roam,
- roll,
- roll on,
- rolling,
- rolling on,
- rotate,
- rove,
- run,
- sashay,
- scour,
- scour the country,
- scout,
- shift,
- sink,
- soar,
- socialize,
- spin,
- spread,
- spreading,
- stem,
- step,
- step forward,
- stir,
- stream,
- stride,
- subside,
- sweep,
- tour,
- touring,
- tourism,
- tours,
- track,
- transduction,
- transfer,
- transfer of property,
- transference,
- transfusion,
- transit,
- transition,
- translation,
- translocation,
- transmigration,
- transmigration of souls,
- transmission,
- transmittal,
- transmittance,
- transplacement,
- transplantation,
- transposal,
- transposition,
- travel over,
- travel through,
- travels,
- traverse,
- tread,
- trek,
- trekking,
- treks,
- trip,
- trips,
- voyage,
- voyagings,
- wanderings,
- wane,
- way,
- wayfare,
- wend,
- whirl