- affect,
- affection,
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- air current,
- allegory,
- allusion,
- ambiance,
- ambience,
- arcane meaning,
- assumption,
- atmosphere,
- aura,
- bucking,
- challenge,
- coloration,
- concourse,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- connotation,
- contention,
- contradiction,
- contraposition,
- contravention,
- contraversion,
- coral heads,
- counteraction,
- counterbalance,
- counterblast,
- countercurrent,
- counterforce,
- counterinfluence,
- counterpoise,
- counterpressure,
- counterweight,
- counterworking,
- course,
- crosscurrent,
- crossing,
- current,
- current of air,
- defluxion,
- denial,
- downdraft,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- draft,
- drift,
- driftage,
- emotion,
- emotional charge,
- emotional shade,
- experience,
- fall wind,
- feeling,
- feeling tone,
- flavor,
- flow,
- flow of air,
- flowing,
- fluency,
- flux,
- following wind,
- foreboding,
- foul wind,
- gush,
- gut reaction,
- head wind,
- heartthrob,
- hint,
- implication,
- implied meaning,
- import,
- impression,
- impugnation,
- impugnment,
- indraft,
- inference,
- inflow,
- inhalation,
- innuendo,
- inrush,
- inspiration,
- intimation,
- ironbound coast,
- ironic suggestion,
- jetstream,
- katabatic wind,
- ledges,
- lee shore,
- meaning,
- metaphorical sense,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- monsoon,
- movement of air,
- murmur,
- negation,
- nuance,
- occult meaning,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- opposing,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnation,
- outflow,
- overtone,
- passion,
- pitfall,
- presentiment,
- presumption,
- presupposition,
- profound sense,
- quicksands,
- race,
- reaction,
- rebutment,
- rebuttal,
- refusal,
- rejection,
- resistance,
- response,
- rockbound coast,
- rocks,
- run,
- rush,
- sandbank,
- sandbar,
- sands,
- sensation,
- sense,
- sentiment,
- set,
- shallows,
- shoals,
- spate,
- standing against,
- stream,
- stream of air,
- subsense,
- subsidiary sense,
- suggestion,
- supposition,
- surge,
- symbolism,
- tail wind,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- tide,
- tinge,
- touch,
- traversal,
- trend,
- undermeaning,
- undertone,
- undertow,
- updraft,
- vibes,
- vibrations,
- water flow,
- wind