Exact Match:
- undeviating
- used of values and principles; not subject to change; steady; "undeviating loyalty"
- going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside; "some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex"; "a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands"
- accordant,
- alike,
- arrowlike,
- automatic,
- balanced,
- changeless,
- close,
- consistent,
- consonant,
- constant,
- continuous,
- correspondent,
- dead straight,
- delicate,
- direct,
- equable,
- equal,
- even,
- exact,
- express,
- faithful,
- fine,
- flat,
- homogeneous,
- horizontal,
- immediate,
- immutable,
- in a line,
- incommutable,
- inconvertible,
- indefeasible,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- inert,
- infallible,
- insusceptible of change,
- intransmutable,
- invariable,
- irretrievable,
- irreversible,
- irrevocable,
- lasting,
- level,
- lineal,
- linear,
- mathematical,
- measured,
- mechanical,
- methodic,
- micrometrically precise,
- microscopic,
- monolithic,
- nice,
- noble,
- nonreturnable,
- nonreversible,
- of a piece,
- one-way,
- ordered,
- orderly,
- permanent,
- persistent,
- pinpoint,
- precise,
- rectilineal,
- rectilinear,
- refined,
- regular,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- reverseless,
- right,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- robotlike,
- ruler-straight,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- severe,
- smooth,
- square,
- stable,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- straight,
- straight-cut,
- straight-front,
- straight-side,
- straightaway,
- straightforward,
- straightway,
- streamlined,
- strict,
- subtle,
- systematic,
- true,
- unalterable,
- unalterative,
- unaltered,
- unbending,
- unbent,
- unbowed,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- uncurved,
- undeflectable,
- undeflected,
- undifferentiated,
- undistorted,
- undiversified,
- unerring,
- unidirectional,
- uniform,
- uninterrupted,
- unmodifiable,
- unremitting,
- unrestorable,
- unreturnable,
- unruffled,
- unsusceptible,
- unswerving,
- unturned,
- unvariable,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- upright,
- vertical