Exact Match:
- uplifting
- the rise of something; "the uplifting of the clouds revealed the blue of a summer sky"
- apotheosis,
- ascent,
- assumption,
- beatification,
- canonization,
- deification,
- elevating,
- elevation,
- elevatory,
- enshrinement,
- erectile,
- erecting,
- erection,
- erective,
- escalation,
- exaltation,
- heaving up,
- height,
- lifting,
- lofting,
- raising,
- rearing,
- standing on end,
- sursum corda,
- upbuoying,
- upcast,
- upheaval,
- uplift,
- upping,
- upraising,
- uprearing,
- upthrow,
- upthrust