- be safe,
- be unflappable,
- beat the game,
- beat the system,
- bounce back,
- come around,
- come back,
- come round,
- come through,
- come to,
- come up fighting,
- come up smiling,
- get about,
- get home free,
- get over,
- get well,
- hold fast,
- hold out,
- hold up,
- keep safe,
- live through,
- make a comeback,
- make heavy weather,
- not budge,
- outride,
- persevere,
- pull round,
- pull through,
- rally,
- recover,
- remain firm,
- revive,
- ride,
- ride it out,
- ride out,
- stand fast,
- stand firm,
- stand pat,
- stay put,
- stick it out,
- survive,
- tide over,
- triumph,
- weather,
- weather out,
- win out,
- win through