Exact Match:
- worker
- sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvae
- a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good worker"
- actor,
- agent,
- ant,
- architect,
- army ant,
- artisan,
- assistant,
- author,
- bee,
- black ant,
- blue-collar worker,
- brainworker,
- brassworker,
- breadwinner,
- bumblebee,
- carpenter ant,
- casual,
- casual laborer,
- clothworker,
- common laborer,
- craftsman,
- creator,
- day laborer,
- doer,
- drone,
- emmet,
- employee,
- executant,
- executor,
- executrix,
- fabricator,
- factory worker,
- fieldworker,
- fire ant,
- flintworker,
- flunky,
- free lance,
- free-lancer,
- full-time worker,
- garmentworker,
- girl Friday,
- glassworker,
- goldworker,
- hand,
- handicraftsman,
- hired hand,
- hired man,
- hireling,
- honeybee,
- hornet,
- house ant,
- industrial worker,
- ironworker,
- jobber,
- jobholder,
- laborer,
- laboring man,
- laceworker,
- leatherworker,
- maker,
- man Friday,
- mechanic,
- medium,
- menial,
- mercenary,
- metalworker,
- migrant,
- millworker,
- mineworker,
- moiler,
- mover,
- myrmidon,
- navvy,
- needleworker,
- office temporary,
- operant,
- operative,
- operator,
- pensioner,
- performer,
- perpetrator,
- pismire,
- practitioner,
- prime mover,
- producer,
- proletarian,
- queen,
- queen bee,
- red ant,
- right-hand man,
- roustabout,
- salaried worker,
- self-employed person,
- servant,
- slave ant,
- soldier,
- stiff,
- subject,
- temporary,
- termite,
- toiler,
- wage earner,
- wage slave,
- wageworker,
- wasp,
- workgirl,
- workhand,
- working girl,
- workingman,
- workingwoman,
- workman,
- yellow jacket