Exact Match:
- zeal
- excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end; "he had an absolute zeal for litigation"
- abandon,
- acquiescence,
- agitation,
- agreeability,
- agreeableness,
- alacrity,
- all-overs,
- amenability,
- angst,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxiousness,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- avidity,
- bibliolatry,
- bluster,
- brawl,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- cacophony,
- calenture,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- chaos,
- charismatic gift,
- charismatic movement,
- charismatic renewal,
- cheerful consent,
- commitment,
- committedness,
- commotion,
- compliance,
- concern,
- concernment,
- consent,
- cooperativeness,
- dedication,
- devotedness,
- devotion,
- devoutness,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- distress,
- disturbance,
- docility,
- dread,
- eagerness,
- earnestness,
- ebullition,
- ecstasy,
- embroilment,
- energy,
- enthusiasm,
- excitement,
- faith,
- faithfulness,
- fanaticism,
- favorable disposition,
- favorableness,
- fear,
- ferment,
- fervency,
- fervidness,
- fervor,
- fidelity,
- fierceness,
- fire,
- flap,
- fomentation,
- foofaraw,
- foreboding,
- forebodingness,
- forwardness,
- frenzy,
- fume,
- furor,
- furore,
- fury,
- fuss,
- gameness,
- gift of tongues,
- glossolalia,
- goodwill,
- gusto,
- heart,
- heartiness,
- heat,
- heatedness,
- hubbub,
- hurrah,
- impassionedness,
- inquietude,
- intensity,
- intentness,
- keenness,
- liveliness,
- loyalty,
- malaise,
- misgiving,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- nervousness,
- overanxiety,
- overdevoutness,
- overpiousness,
- overreligiousness,
- overrighteousness,
- overzealousness,
- pandemonium,
- passion,
- passionateness,
- pentecostalism,
- perturbation,
- pins and needles,
- pliability,
- pliancy,
- promptness,
- pucker,
- racket,
- rage,
- readiness,
- receptive mood,
- receptiveness,
- receptivity,
- relish,
- resolution,
- responsiveness,
- revival,
- revivalism,
- right mood,
- row,
- ruckus,
- rumpus,
- sanctimony,
- savor,
- seriousness,
- sincerity,
- solicitude,
- soul,
- spirit,
- stew,
- storminess,
- strain,
- suspense,
- tempestuousness,
- tension,
- tractability,
- trouble,
- tumult,
- tumultuousness,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- uneasiness,
- ungrudgingness,
- unloathness,
- unquietness,
- unreluctance,
- uproar,
- upset,
- urgency,
- vehemence,
- verve,
- vexation,
- warmth,
- warmth of feeling,
- wildness,
- willing ear,
- willing heart,
- willingness,
- zealotism,
- zealotry,
- zealousness,
- zest