Exact Match:
- acknowledgment
- a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"
- abject apology,
- acceptance,
- acknowledgments,
- acquittance,
- admission,
- allowance,
- answer,
- answering,
- antiphon,
- apology,
- appreciation,
- avowal,
- back,
- back answer,
- back matter,
- back talk,
- backchat,
- bastard title,
- benediction,
- bibliography,
- billet,
- blurb,
- boost,
- breast-beating,
- buildup,
- business letter,
- by-line,
- canceled check,
- catch line,
- catchword,
- chit,
- citation,
- cognizance,
- colophon,
- comeback,
- commendation,
- communication,
- concession,
- confession,
- contents,
- contents page,
- contrition,
- copyright page,
- credit,
- credit line,
- crediting,
- declaration,
- dedication,
- discharge,
- dispatch,
- due,
- echo,
- endleaf,
- endpaper,
- endsheet,
- epistle,
- errata,
- evasive reply,
- excuse,
- favor,
- flyleaf,
- folio,
- fore edge,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- good word,
- grace,
- half-title page,
- head,
- honorable mention,
- hymn,
- hype,
- imprint,
- index,
- inscription,
- introduction,
- leaf,
- letter,
- line,
- makeup,
- mea culpa,
- message,
- missive,
- note,
- owning,
- owning up,
- paean,
- page,
- penitence,
- plug,
- praise,
- prayer of thanks,
- preface,
- preliminaries,
- profession,
- promotion,
- puff,
- quittance,
- reaction,
- ready reply,
- receipt,
- receipt in full,
- recognition,
- recto,
- reference,
- regrets,
- rejoinder,
- release,
- repartee,
- replication,
- reply,
- repost,
- rescript,
- rescription,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsion,
- responsory,
- retort,
- return,
- reverberation,
- reverso,
- right,
- riposte,
- rite of confession,
- running title,
- short answer,
- shrift,
- signature,
- snappy comeback,
- subtitle,
- table of contents,
- tail,
- text,
- thank offering,
- thank-you,
- thanks,
- thanksgiving,
- title,
- title page,
- trademark,
- tribute,
- trim size,
- type page,
- unbosoming,
- verso,
- voucher,
- warrant,
- what is owing,
- witty reply,
- witty retort,
- yes-and-no answer