Exact Match:
- alcoholism
- habitual intoxication; prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms
- a habit,
- acquired tolerance,
- acute alcoholism,
- addictedness,
- addiction,
- alcoholic addiction,
- alcoholic psychosis,
- amphetamine withdrawal symptoms,
- barbiturate addiction,
- barbiturism,
- bottle nose,
- chain smoking,
- chronic alcoholism,
- cocainism,
- crash,
- craving,
- delirium tremens,
- dependence,
- dipsomania,
- drug addiction,
- drug culture,
- drug dependence,
- ebriosity,
- grog blossom,
- habitual drunkenness,
- habituation,
- heavy drinking,
- nicotine addiction,
- oenomania,
- oinomania,
- pathological drunkenness,
- physical dependence,
- problem drinking,
- psychological dependence,
- tolerance,
- withdrawal sickness,
- withdrawal symptoms