Exact Match:
- apogee
- apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth
- a final climactic stage; "their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development"
- Earth insertion,
- LEM,
- LM,
- acme,
- all,
- apex,
- aphelion,
- astronomical longitude,
- attitude-control rocket,
- autumnal equinox,
- ballistic capsule,
- brow,
- burn,
- cap,
- capstone,
- capsule,
- ceiling,
- celestial equator,
- celestial longitude,
- celestial meridian,
- circle,
- climax,
- cloud nine,
- colures,
- crest,
- crown,
- culmen,
- culmination,
- deep-space ship,
- docking,
- docking maneuver,
- ecliptic,
- edge,
- end,
- equator,
- equinoctial,
- equinoctial circle,
- equinoctial colure,
- equinox,
- extreme,
- extreme limit,
- extremity,
- far cry,
- far piece,
- ferry rocket,
- fuel ship,
- galactic longitude,
- geocentric longitude,
- geodetic longitude,
- giant step,
- good ways,
- great circle,
- great distance,
- heaven,
- heavens,
- height,
- heliocentric longitude,
- high noon,
- highest degree,
- highest pitch,
- highest point,
- injection,
- insertion,
- limit,
- long chalk,
- long haul,
- long range,
- long road,
- long run,
- long step,
- long way,
- longitude,
- lunar excursion module,
- lunar module,
- manned rocket,
- maximum,
- meridian,
- module,
- moon ship,
- mountaintop,
- multistage rocket,
- ne plus ultra,
- no place higher,
- noon,
- nth degree,
- orbit,
- parking orbit,
- peak,
- perigee,
- perihelion,
- period,
- pinnacle,
- pitch,
- point,
- pole,
- reentry,
- ridge,
- rocket,
- seventh heaven,
- shuttle rocket,
- sky,
- small circle,
- soft landing,
- solstitial colure,
- space capsule,
- space docking,
- space rocket,
- spacecraft,
- spaceship,
- spire,
- summit,
- the whole,
- tidy step,
- tip,
- tip-top,
- top,
- trajectory,
- upmost,
- upper extremity,
- uppermost,
- utmost,
- utmost extent,
- uttermost,
- vernal equinox,
- vertex,
- very top,
- zenith,
- zodiac,
- zone