Exact Match:
- apostle
- (New Testament) one of the original 12 disciples chosen by Christ to preach his gospel
- any important early teacher of Christianity or a Christian missionary to a people
- an ardent early supporter of a cause or reform; "an apostle of revolution"
- Aaronic priesthood,
- Ambrose of Milan,
- Athanasius,
- Barnabas,
- Basil,
- Clement of Alexandria,
- Clement of Rome,
- Cyprian of Carthage,
- Cyril of Jerusalem,
- Gregory of Nyssa,
- Hermas,
- Ignatius,
- Irenaeus,
- Jerome,
- John,
- John Chrysostom,
- Justin Martyr,
- Lactantius Firmianus,
- Luke,
- Mark,
- Melchizedek priesthood,
- Origen,
- Papias,
- Paul,
- Peter,
- Polycarp,
- Seventy,
- Tertullian,
- ante-Nicene Fathers,
- bishop,
- colporteur,
- convert,
- converter,
- deacon,
- disciple,
- elder,
- evangelist,
- follower,
- high priest,
- missionary,
- missioner,
- patriarch,
- priest,
- propagandist,
- proselyte,
- proselyter,
- proselytizer,
- saint,
- teacher