a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs"
a military aircraft that drops bombs during flight
a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States
American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
(grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction
a member of a constituency; a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes; "needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected"
large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food
an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual; "the first experiment was a real turkey"; "the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned"
flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted
a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1923
cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins
any of the stiff bony rods in the fin of a fish
a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
(mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
emit as rays; "That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky"
a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
(extended sense) of exceptionally clean language; "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School"
clean and honest; "antiseptic financial practices"
thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms; "doctors in antiseptic green coats"; "the antiseptic effect of alcohol"; "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities"
made free from live bacteria or other microorganisms; "sterilized instruments"
freeing from error or corruption; "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism"
a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate; heat is transferred from the fluid through the honeycomb to the airstream that is created either by the motion of the vehicle or by a fan
heater consisting of a series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat rooms or buildings
the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway); "from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water"
the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water; "it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road"
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a system"
an abstract part of something; "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"