Exact Match:
- auditor
- a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization
- a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit
- Big Brother,
- CA,
- CPA,
- accepter,
- accountant,
- accountant general,
- acquirer,
- actuary,
- addressee,
- audience,
- audient,
- autodidact,
- bank accountant,
- bank examiner,
- beholder,
- boatswain,
- bookkeeper,
- boss,
- bursar,
- calculator,
- cashier,
- cashkeeper,
- certified public accountant,
- chamberlain,
- chartered accountant,
- chief,
- clerk,
- comptroller,
- consignee,
- controller,
- cost accountant,
- cost keeper,
- curator,
- depositary,
- depository,
- eavesdropper,
- educatee,
- financial officer,
- floor manager,
- floorman,
- floorwalker,
- foreman,
- gaffer,
- ganger,
- getter,
- head,
- headman,
- hearer,
- hearkener,
- holder,
- inquirer,
- inspector,
- journalizer,
- learner,
- liquidator,
- listener,
- looker,
- monitor,
- noncommissioned officer,
- obtainer,
- overhearer,
- overman,
- overseer,
- payee,
- paymaster,
- praepostor,
- prefect,
- proctor,
- procurer,
- pupil,
- purse bearer,
- purser,
- receiver,
- recipient,
- reckoner,
- recorder,
- registrar,
- scholar,
- self-taught person,
- sirdar,
- slave driver,
- snoop,
- spectator,
- steward,
- straw boss,
- student,
- studier,
- subforeman,
- super,
- superintendent,
- supervisor,
- surveyor,
- taker,
- taskmaster,
- trainee,
- treasurer,
- trustee,
- viewer,
- visitor