Exact Match:
- bearing
- a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
- dignified manner or conduct
- the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
- relevant relation or interconnection; "those issues have no bearing on our situation"
- producing or yielding; "an interest-bearing note"; "fruit-bearing trees"
- Zeitgeist,
- action,
- actions,
- activity,
- acts,
- address,
- affectation,
- affective meaning,
- aftermath,
- aim,
- air,
- air express,
- airfreight,
- airlift,
- applicability,
- application,
- appositeness,
- aspect,
- asportation,
- attitude,
- axis,
- azimuth,
- backing,
- ball bearing,
- bearings,
- beck,
- beckon,
- behavior,
- behavior pattern,
- behavioral norm,
- behavioral science,
- bent,
- bevel bearing,
- birthing,
- body language,
- bolstering,
- boost,
- born,
- bracing,
- brow,
- bump,
- bumper crop,
- bunt,
- burdened,
- bushing,
- butt,
- buttressing,
- calved,
- carriage,
- carry,
- carrying,
- cartage,
- cast,
- cast of countenance,
- celestial navigation,
- charade,
- chassis,
- childbearing,
- childbirth,
- chironomy,
- color,
- coloring,
- complexion,
- comportment,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conduct,
- connection,
- connotation,
- consequence,
- conveyance,
- correlation,
- countenance,
- course,
- crop,
- culture pattern,
- current,
- custom,
- dactylology,
- dead reckoning,
- deaf-and-dumb alphabet,
- delivery,
- demeanor,
- denotation,
- deportment,
- dig,
- direction,
- direction line,
- display,
- doing,
- doings,
- drayage,
- drift,
- dropped,
- dumb show,
- effect,
- endurance,
- enduring,
- essence,
- exposure,
- expressage,
- extension,
- face,
- facial appearance,
- favor,
- feature,
- features,
- ferriage,
- fix,
- foaled,
- folkway,
- force,
- frame,
- freight,
- freightage,
- front,
- frontage,
- fructiferous,
- fructification,
- fruit,
- fruitbearing,
- fruiting,
- fruition,
- fulcrum,
- garb,
- germaneness,
- gesticulation,
- gesture,
- gesture language,
- gestures,
- gist,
- given birth,
- giving birth,
- glacial movement,
- goings-on,
- grammatical meaning,
- guise,
- hand signal,
- harvest,
- hatched,
- haulage,
- hauling,
- head,
- heading,
- headstock,
- helmsmanship,
- holding,
- hustle,
- idea,
- impact,
- implication,
- import,
- inclination,
- infrastructure,
- intension,
- interest,
- jab,
- jewel,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- kinesics,
- lay,
- lexical meaning,
- lie,
- lighterage,
- line,
- line of direction,
- line of march,
- line of position,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- literal meaning,
- look,
- looks,
- lugging,
- main current,
- mainstream,
- maintaining,
- maintien,
- make,
- manner,
- manners,
- materiality,
- meaning,
- method,
- methodology,
- methods,
- mien,
- modus vivendi,
- motion,
- motions,
- mount,
- mounting,
- movement,
- movements,
- moves,
- navigation,
- nee,
- needle bearing,
- newborn,
- nudge,
- oarlock,
- observable behavior,
- orientation,
- output,
- overtone,
- packing,
- pantomime,
- parturition,
- pattern,
- pertinence,
- physiognomy,
- pilotage,
- piloting,
- pith,
- pivot,
- point,
- poise,
- poke,
- port,
- portage,
- porterage,
- pose,
- position,
- position line,
- posture,
- practical consequence,
- practice,
- praxis,
- presence,
- press,
- pressure,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- proceeds,
- prod,
- produce,
- producing,
- product,
- production,
- propping,
- punch,
- purport,
- push,
- quarter,
- radio bearing,
- railway express,
- range,
- range of meaning,
- real meaning,
- reference,
- referent,
- regard,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relationship,
- relevance,
- respect,
- rest,
- resting point,
- roller bearing,
- rowlock,
- run,
- scope,
- second crop,
- semantic cluster,
- semantic field,
- sense,
- set,
- setting,
- shipment,
- shipping,
- shoring,
- shove,
- shrug,
- sign language,
- significance,
- signification,
- significatum,
- signifie,
- skeleton,
- social science,
- span of meaning,
- spirit,
- stance,
- stand,
- steerage,
- steering,
- stillborn,
- stream,
- stress,
- structural meaning,
- style,
- substance,
- sum,
- sum and substance,
- supporting,
- supportive,
- suspensory,
- sustaining,
- sustentative,
- swing,
- symbolic meaning,
- tactics,
- telpherage,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- the general tendency,
- the main course,
- thole,
- tholepin,
- thrust,
- thrust bearing,
- time spirit,
- tone,
- totality of associations,
- toting,
- track,
- traits,
- transferred meaning,
- transport,
- transportation,
- transshipment,
- trend,
- truckage,
- turn,
- unadorned meaning,
- underframe,
- undertone,
- upholding,
- value,
- vintage,
- visage,
- waft,
- waftage,
- wagonage,
- way,
- way of life,
- ways,
- whelped,
- yield,
- yielding