Exact Match:
- belly
- the underpart of the body of certain vertebrates such as snakes or fish
- a protruding abdomen
- the hollow inside of something; "in the belly of the ship"
- a part that bulges deeply; "the belly of a sail"
- swell out or bulge out
- abdomen,
- abomasum,
- ascender,
- back,
- bag,
- balloon,
- bastard type,
- bay window,
- beard,
- bed,
- bedrock,
- beerbelly,
- belly out,
- bevel,
- bilge,
- billow,
- black letter,
- body,
- bottom,
- bottom side,
- bouge,
- breadbasket,
- breech,
- bug,
- bulge,
- buttocks,
- cap,
- capital,
- case,
- convexity,
- counter,
- craw,
- crop,
- cylindricality,
- descender,
- diaphragm,
- dilate,
- distend,
- downside,
- em,
- embonpoint,
- en,
- face,
- fat-faced type,
- feet,
- first stomach,
- font,
- fundament,
- gizzard,
- globosity,
- globularity,
- goggle,
- groove,
- gullet,
- gut,
- hardpan,
- honeycomb stomach,
- italic,
- kishkes,
- letter,
- ligature,
- logotype,
- lower case,
- lower side,
- lowest layer,
- lowest level,
- majuscule,
- manyplies,
- maw,
- midriff,
- minuscule,
- nether side,
- nethermost level,
- nick,
- omasum,
- orbicularity,
- paunch,
- pi,
- pica,
- point,
- pooch,
- pop,
- pot,
- potbelly,
- potgut,
- pouch,
- pout,
- print,
- psalterium,
- pusgut,
- rennet bag,
- reticulum,
- rock bottom,
- roman,
- rotundity,
- rotundness,
- round out,
- roundness,
- rumen,
- sans serif,
- script,
- second stomach,
- shank,
- shoulder,
- small cap,
- small capital,
- spare tire,
- sphericality,
- sphericalness,
- sphericity,
- spheroidicity,
- spheroidity,
- stamp,
- stem,
- stomach,
- substratum,
- swagbelly,
- swell,
- swell out,
- third stomach,
- tum-tum,
- tummy,
- type,
- type body,
- type class,
- type lice,
- typecase,
- typeface,
- typefounders,
- typefoundry,
- underbelly,
- underlayer,
- underneath,
- underside,
- upper case,
- venter,
- ventripotence