a member of the British order of honor; ranks below a baron but above a knight; "since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart."
type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells
the second nearest planet to the sun; visible from Earth as an early `morning star' or an `evening star'; "before it was known that they were the same object the evening star was called Venus and the morning star was called Lucifer"
colorless watery fluid of blood and lymph containing no cells and in which erythrocytes and leukocytes and platelets are suspended
(physical chemistry) a fourth state of matter distinct from solid or liquid or gas and present in stars and fusion reactors; a gas becomes a plasma when it is heated until the atoms lose all their electrons, leaving a highly electrified collection of nuclei and free electrons; "particles in space exist in the form of a plasma"
a green slightly translucent variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone
in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"