in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson
a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly); "sailing is her favorite pastime"; "his main pastime is gambling"; "he counts reading among his interests"; "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"
an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics; "a biochemical profile of blood"; "a psychological profile of serial killers"
a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers
a side view representation of an object (especially a human face)
represent in profile, by drawing or painting
write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
not limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase; "the nonrestrictive clause in `I always buy his books, which have influenced me greatly,' refers to his books generally and adds an additional fact about them"
primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family"
people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"
a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
an association of people who share common beliefs or activities; "the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family"; "the church welcomed new members into its fellowship"