Exact Match:
- brother
- a male with the same parents as someone else; "my brother still lives with our parents"
- (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a monk and used as form of address; "a Benedictine Brother"
- a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion of other group); "none of his brothers would betray him"
- used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement; "Greetings, comrade!"
- Greek,
- abbacomes,
- abbot,
- acquaintance,
- adjunct,
- advocate,
- affiliate,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- analogon,
- analogue,
- ascetic,
- associate,
- aunt,
- auntie,
- backer,
- beadsman,
- bedfellow,
- belonger,
- best friend,
- blood brother,
- bosom friend,
- brethren,
- brother-in-arms,
- bub,
- bubba,
- bud,
- buddy,
- caloyer,
- card-carrier,
- card-carrying member,
- cardholder,
- casual acquaintance,
- catechumen,
- celibate,
- cenobite,
- charter member,
- chum,
- church member,
- churchman,
- churchwoman,
- close acquaintance,
- close copy,
- close friend,
- close match,
- clubber,
- clubman,
- clubwoman,
- coadjutor,
- cognate,
- cohort,
- colleague,
- committeeman,
- communicant,
- companion,
- compatriot,
- compeer,
- complement,
- comrade,
- confederate,
- confidant,
- confidante,
- confrere,
- congenator,
- congener,
- consociate,
- consort,
- conventioneer,
- conventioner,
- conventionist,
- conventual,
- conventual prior,
- coordinate,
- correlate,
- correlative,
- correspondent,
- counterpart,
- country cousin,
- cousin,
- cousin once removed,
- cousin twice removed,
- crony,
- daughter,
- dues-paying member,
- enlistee,
- enrollee,
- equivalent,
- familiar,
- father,
- favorer,
- fellow,
- fellow creature,
- fellow member,
- fellowman,
- first cousin,
- foster brother,
- frater,
- fraternity man,
- friar,
- friend,
- grand prior,
- grandnephew,
- grandniece,
- granduncle,
- great-aunt,
- great-uncle,
- guildsman,
- half brother,
- hermit,
- hieromonach,
- honorary member,
- image,
- initiate,
- inseparable friend,
- insider,
- intimate,
- joiner,
- kid brother,
- kin,
- kindred spirit,
- kinsman,
- laic,
- lay abbot,
- lay brother,
- lay sister,
- layman,
- laywoman,
- life member,
- like,
- likeness,
- lover,
- mate,
- member,
- mendicant,
- monastic,
- monk,
- mother,
- near duplicate,
- neighbor,
- nephew,
- niece,
- nuncle,
- nunks,
- nunky,
- obverse,
- one of us,
- other self,
- pal,
- palmer,
- parallel,
- parishioner,
- partisan,
- pendant,
- pickup,
- picture,
- pilgrim,
- pillar saint,
- pillarist,
- pledge,
- prior,
- reciprocal,
- relation,
- relative,
- religieux,
- religious,
- repository,
- second cousin,
- second self,
- secular,
- sibling,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- sis,
- sissy,
- sister,
- sister-german,
- sistern,
- socius,
- son,
- sorority girl,
- sorority woman,
- soul mate,
- stepbrother,
- stepsister,
- stylite,
- such,
- suchlike,
- supporter,
- sympathizer,
- tally,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- twin,
- unc,
- uncle,
- uncs,
- uterine brother,
- well-wisher