Exact Match:
- button
- a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
- any artifact that resembles a button
- a round flat badge displaying information and suitable for pinning onto a garment; "they passed out campaign buttons for their candidate"
- any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
- fasten with buttons; "button the dress"
- provide with buttons; "button a shirt"
- a continental,
- a curse,
- a damn,
- a darn,
- a hoot,
- anchor,
- armory,
- articulate,
- badge,
- badge of office,
- badges,
- bagatelle,
- band,
- bandage,
- bang,
- bantam,
- banty,
- bar,
- barrette,
- barricade,
- baton,
- batten,
- batten down,
- bauble,
- bean,
- bellyband,
- belt,
- bibelot,
- bilge,
- bind,
- binding,
- binding stone,
- binding twine,
- bit,
- blain,
- blazonry,
- bleb,
- blister,
- blob,
- bobby pin,
- bollard,
- bolt,
- bonder,
- bondstone,
- boss,
- bow,
- box hook,
- brace,
- braces,
- brad,
- braid,
- brass farthing,
- brassard,
- bubble,
- buckle,
- bulb,
- bulge,
- bulla,
- bullion,
- bump,
- bunch,
- burl,
- butt,
- button up,
- cable,
- cahot,
- cap and gown,
- carpet tack,
- cast,
- casting,
- catch,
- cent,
- chain,
- chain of office,
- chin,
- chine,
- chit,
- choke,
- choke off,
- cinch,
- cincture,
- clamp,
- clap,
- clasp,
- class ring,
- cleat,
- click,
- clinch,
- clip,
- close,
- close up,
- clothespin,
- clump,
- cockade,
- collar,
- condyle,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- convex,
- corking pin,
- cotter,
- cover,
- cross,
- curio,
- decoration,
- diminutive,
- dovetail,
- dowel,
- dress,
- eagle,
- ear,
- emblems,
- ensigns,
- farce,
- farthing,
- fasces,
- fasten,
- feather,
- featherweight,
- fibula,
- fig,
- figurehead,
- fillet,
- fingerling,
- fishhook,
- flange,
- flap,
- fleabite,
- fleur-de-lis,
- fold,
- fold up,
- folderol,
- fribble,
- frippery,
- funiculus,
- gall,
- garter,
- gate,
- gaud,
- gewgaw,
- gimcrack,
- girdle,
- girth,
- gnarl,
- grab,
- grapnel,
- grappler,
- grappling iron,
- guy,
- hair,
- hairpin,
- halfpenny,
- hammer and sickle,
- handle,
- hank,
- hasp,
- hawser,
- haywire,
- heraldry,
- hill,
- hill of beans,
- hinge,
- hitch,
- hitching post,
- holdfast,
- hook,
- hook and eye,
- hump,
- hunch,
- ingot,
- inkle,
- insignia,
- interlocker,
- jam,
- jest,
- jog,
- joggle,
- joint,
- joke,
- kevel,
- key,
- kickshaw,
- kingpin,
- knickknack,
- knickknackery,
- knob,
- knot,
- knur,
- knurl,
- lace,
- lacing,
- lapel pin,
- lariat,
- latch,
- latchet,
- leader,
- ligament,
- lightweight,
- line,
- lip,
- livery,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- loop,
- lump,
- mace,
- mantle,
- markings,
- medal,
- mentum,
- mini,
- minikin,
- minnow,
- minny,
- miter,
- mockery,
- mole,
- molehill,
- moorings,
- mortarboard,
- mortise,
- mountain,
- mouse,
- nail,
- nevus,
- noose,
- nub,
- nubbin,
- nubble,
- nut,
- occlude,
- old school tie,
- padlock,
- paper clip,
- papilloma,
- pawl,
- peewee,
- peg,
- peppercorn,
- picayune,
- pig,
- pin,
- pinch of snuff,
- pinprick,
- pintle,
- plumb,
- pony,
- rabbet,
- rap,
- red cent,
- regalia,
- regulus,
- rib,
- ridge,
- ring,
- rivet,
- roller,
- rope,
- rose,
- row of pins,
- runt,
- rush,
- safety pin,
- scarf,
- school ring,
- screw,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- secure,
- sennit,
- setscrew,
- sew,
- shamrock,
- sheet metal,
- shit,
- shoulder,
- shrimp,
- shut,
- shut the door,
- shut up,
- sigillography,
- skewer,
- skull and crossbones,
- slam,
- slide fastener,
- slip,
- small fry,
- snap,
- sneeshing,
- snip,
- snippet,
- snubbing post,
- sou,
- sow,
- sphragistics,
- spike,
- spine,
- splice,
- squeeze shut,
- staff,
- staple,
- stick,
- stitch,
- strangle,
- strap,
- straw,
- string,
- strop,
- stub tenon,
- stud,
- style,
- suspenders,
- swastika,
- tab,
- tack,
- tag,
- tartan,
- tendon,
- terret,
- thistle,
- thole,
- tholepin,
- thong,
- thumbtack,
- tie,
- tie beam,
- tit,
- toggle,
- toy,
- treenail,
- trifle,
- trinket,
- triviality,
- tubercle,
- tubercule,
- tug,
- tuppence,
- twine,
- two cents,
- twopence,
- uniform,
- verge,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- vise,
- wale,
- wand,
- wart,
- wedge,
- welt,
- whang,
- whim-wham,
- wire,
- wisp,
- zip up,
- zipper