- abduce,
- abduct,
- allure,
- annihilate,
- attract,
- bear the palm,
- becharm,
- beguile,
- bereave of life,
- bewitch,
- captivate,
- capture,
- carry,
- carry it,
- carry off,
- carry the day,
- cart away,
- cast a spell,
- charm,
- chloroform,
- come apart,
- come off,
- come out first,
- come undone,
- come unstuck,
- crack up,
- crimp,
- cut down,
- cut off,
- delectate,
- delight,
- delocalize,
- deprive of life,
- destroy,
- disintegrate,
- dislodge,
- dispatch,
- displace,
- dispose of,
- do away with,
- do for,
- do to death,
- draw on,
- enamor,
- enchant,
- end,
- endear,
- enrapture,
- enravish,
- enthrall,
- entrance,
- execute,
- exterminate,
- fall off,
- fall to pieces,
- fascinate,
- finish,
- finish in front,
- finish off,
- fluke,
- fly apart,
- freak out,
- gain,
- gain the day,
- get loose,
- give way,
- go to pieces,
- hold for ransom,
- hold in thrall,
- hypnotize,
- immolate,
- imparadise,
- impress,
- infatuate,
- inflame with love,
- intrigue,
- kidnap,
- kill,
- knock dead,
- knock out,
- launch into eternity,
- lay aside,
- liquidate,
- lynch,
- make a killing,
- make away with,
- manhandle,
- martyr,
- martyrize,
- mesmerize,
- move,
- peel off,
- poison,
- purge,
- put aside,
- put away,
- put down,
- put to death,
- put to sleep,
- ravish,
- relocate,
- remove,
- remove from life,
- run away with,
- sacrifice,
- seduce,
- send,
- set aside,
- shanghai,
- shift,
- shunt,
- side,
- skyjack,
- slay,
- snatch,
- spell,
- spellbind,
- spirit away,
- spring apart,
- start,
- starve,
- take away,
- take life,
- take off,
- take the cake,
- tantalize,
- tempt,
- thrill,
- tickle,
- tickle pink,
- titillate,
- transport,
- unravel,
- vamp,
- win,
- win out,
- win the battle,
- win the laurels,
- win the palm,
- win the prize,
- win through,
- witch,
- wow