Exact Match:
- championship
- a competition at which a champion is chosen
- the status of being a champion; "he held the title for two years"
- Cadmean victory,
- KO,
- Pyrrhic victory,
- abetment,
- acme,
- advocacy,
- aegis,
- ascendancy,
- auspices,
- authority,
- authorization,
- backing,
- be-all and end-all,
- blue ribbon,
- care,
- charity,
- command,
- conquest,
- control,
- countenance,
- directorship,
- dominion,
- easy victory,
- effectiveness,
- encouragement,
- favor,
- first place,
- first prize,
- fosterage,
- goodwill,
- grand slam,
- guidance,
- headship,
- hegemony,
- height,
- highest,
- imperium,
- influence,
- interest,
- jurisdiction,
- kingship,
- knockout,
- landslide,
- landslide victory,
- leadership,
- lordship,
- management,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- maximum,
- moral victory,
- most,
- ne plus ultra,
- new high,
- palms,
- paramountcy,
- patronage,
- picnic,
- power,
- presidency,
- primacy,
- pushover,
- record,
- rule,
- runaway victory,
- say,
- seconding,
- sovereignty,
- sponsorship,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- success,
- supremacy,
- sway,
- sympathy,
- top spot,
- total victory,
- triumph,
- tutelage,
- victory,
- walkaway,
- walkover,
- win,
- winning,
- winning streak,
- zenith