Exact Match:
- charge
- a impetuous rush toward someone or something; "the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary"; "the battle began with a cavalry charge"
- a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time; "this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains"
- heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
- (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense; "he was arrested on a charge of larceny"
- request for payment of a debt; "they submitted their charges at the end of each month"
- a person committed to your care; "the teacher led her charges across the street"
- the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons; "the battery needed a fresh charge"
- the price charged for some article or service; "the admission charge"
- financial liabilities (such as a tax); "the charges against the estate"
- saturate; "The room was charged with tension and anxiety"
- energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge; "I need to charge my car battery"
- cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on; "charge a conductor"
- set or ask for a certain price; "How much do you charge for lunch?"; "This fellow charges $100 for a massage"
- instruct or command with authority; "The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem"
- instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence
- impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to; "He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend"
- blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against; "he charged thee director with indifference"
- make an accusatory claim; "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
- file a formal charge against; "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"
- to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle; "he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork"
- direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me"
- fill or load to capacity; "charge the wagon with hay"
- place a heraldic bearing on; "charge all weapons, shields, and banners"
- lie down on command, of hunting dogs
- pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt; "Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?"
- demand payment; "Will I get charged for this service?"; "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights"
- enter a certain amount as a charge; "he charged me $15"
- accountability,
- accounting for,
- accounts payable,
- accounts receivable,
- accredit,
- accusal,
- accusation,
- accuse,
- accusing,
- achievement,
- action,
- activate,
- adjure,
- administration,
- admission,
- admission fee,
- admonish,
- advowson,
- afflict,
- agency,
- agentship,
- aggravated assault,
- aggression,
- alerion,
- allegation,
- allege,
- allegement,
- allegiance,
- amount,
- amount due,
- amperage,
- amphibious attack,
- amplify,
- anchorage,
- animal charge,
- annulet,
- answerability,
- anticathexis,
- application,
- argent,
- armed assault,
- armipotence,
- armorial bearings,
- armory,
- arms,
- arraign,
- arraignment,
- arrogation,
- article,
- ascription,
- ask,
- assail,
- assailing,
- assailment,
- assault,
- assert,
- assess,
- assessment,
- assign,
- assignation,
- assigned task,
- assignment,
- attachment,
- attack,
- attribute,
- attribution,
- auspices,
- authority,
- authorization,
- authorize,
- azure,
- bad debts,
- bail,
- bale,
- bandeau,
- bang,
- banzai attack,
- bar,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- bear hard upon,
- bearings,
- beef,
- behest,
- bellyful,
- bend,
- bend sinister,
- benefice,
- bid,
- bidding,
- bill,
- bill of particulars,
- billet,
- bills,
- black power,
- blame,
- blast,
- blazon,
- blazonry,
- blitz,
- blitzkrieg,
- boil,
- bolt,
- book,
- boot,
- bordure,
- borrowing,
- bossing,
- bounden duty,
- breakthrough,
- brevet,
- brim,
- bring accusation,
- bring charges,
- bring to book,
- bringing of charges,
- bringing to book,
- broad arrow,
- brokerage,
- brute force,
- budget,
- budget items,
- bumper,
- burden,
- burden of expenditure,
- burden with,
- burdening,
- burthen,
- business,
- busywork,
- buy on credit,
- cadency mark,
- call of duty,
- call on,
- call the signals,
- call upon,
- canton,
- capacity,
- care,
- care of souls,
- carfare,
- cargo,
- carload,
- carrying charge,
- cartload,
- cathectic energy,
- cathexis,
- caution,
- cellarage,
- censure,
- chaplet,
- chare,
- charge for,
- charges,
- charging,
- charisma,
- charter,
- chase,
- chevron,
- chief,
- chits,
- chock,
- choke,
- chore,
- cite,
- claim,
- client,
- clog,
- clout,
- coat of arms,
- cock,
- cockatrice,
- cogence,
- cogency,
- command,
- commission,
- commissioning,
- commit,
- commitment,
- committal,
- complain,
- complaint,
- complement,
- compulsion,
- concern,
- conduct,
- congest,
- connection with,
- consign,
- consignment,
- contaminate,
- control,
- coronet,
- cost,
- cost of living,
- cost-of-living allowance,
- cost-of-living index,
- costs,
- count,
- counterattack,
- countercathexis,
- counteroffensive,
- coup de main,
- cover charge,
- cram,
- credit,
- crescent,
- crest,
- criminate,
- crippling attack,
- cross,
- cross moline,
- crowd,
- crown,
- crush,
- cumber,
- cumbrance,
- curacy,
- cure,
- custodianship,
- custody,
- damage,
- dash,
- dash at,
- dead set at,
- deadweight,
- debit,
- debt,
- declare,
- decree,
- dedication,
- deference,
- delation,
- delegate,
- delegated authority,
- delegation,
- demand,
- denounce,
- denouncement,
- denunciate,
- denunciation,
- dependent,
- deputation,
- depute,
- deputize,
- derivation from,
- descent on,
- desire concentration,
- detach,
- detail,
- detonate,
- device,
- devoir,
- devolute,
- devolution,
- devolve,
- devolve upon,
- devolvement,
- devotion,
- dictate,
- difference,
- differencing,
- difficulty,
- dint,
- direct,
- direct costs,
- direction,
- disadvantage,
- disbursals,
- discharge,
- distributed costs,
- diversion,
- diversionary attack,
- dockage,
- drag,
- drive,
- drop,
- due,
- dues,
- duress,
- duties and responsibilities,
- duty,
- eagle,
- effect,
- effectiveness,
- effectuality,
- eject,
- electric charge,
- electrify,
- embarrassment,
- embassy,
- empower,
- empowerment,
- encourage,
- encumber,
- encumbrance,
- energize,
- energy,
- energy charge,
- enjoin,
- entrance fee,
- entrust,
- entrusting,
- entrustment,
- ermine,
- ermines,
- erminites,
- erminois,
- errand,
- escutcheon,
- ethics,
- etiology,
- exact,
- exaction,
- exactment,
- executorship,
- exequatur,
- exercise,
- exhaust,
- exhort,
- exhortation,
- expect,
- expenditure,
- expense,
- expense account,
- expenses,
- expostulate,
- eye,
- factorship,
- falcon,
- fare,
- fasten on,
- fasten upon,
- fealty,
- fee,
- fell,
- fess,
- fess point,
- field,
- figure,
- file,
- fill,
- fill to overflowing,
- fill up,
- financial commitment,
- finger,
- fire,
- fire off,
- fish to fry,
- flanch,
- flank attack,
- fleur-de-lis,
- fling,
- floating debt,
- flower power,
- flush,
- fly at,
- foray,
- force,
- force majeure,
- forcefulness,
- freight,
- freight with,
- fret,
- frontal attack,
- fuel,
- full blast,
- full force,
- full house,
- full measure,
- full power,
- funded debt,
- fur,
- fusil,
- galvanize,
- garland,
- gas attack,
- general expenses,
- generate,
- get up steam,
- give an order,
- give in charge,
- give the word,
- glebe,
- go on tick,
- governance,
- government,
- griffin,
- guardianship,
- guarding,
- guidance,
- gules,
- gun,
- gun for,
- gyron,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- handling,
- hands,
- hang something on,
- hatchment,
- head-on attack,
- heap,
- helmet,
- heraldic device,
- hire,
- hit,
- hold,
- homage,
- homework,
- honor,
- honor point,
- hypercathexis,
- imbue,
- impalement,
- impaling,
- impeach,
- impeachment,
- impediment,
- impedimenta,
- imperative,
- implication,
- imply,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- imposition,
- impregnate,
- impugn,
- imputation,
- impute,
- incite,
- inconvenience,
- incriminate,
- incubus,
- inculpate,
- incumbency,
- indebtedness,
- indebtment,
- indict,
- indictment,
- indirect costs,
- induce,
- inescutcheon,
- infect,
- infiltration,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- influence,
- inform against,
- inform on,
- information,
- injunction,
- innuendo,
- insinuate,
- insinuation,
- instruct,
- instruction,
- intendance,
- interpenetrate,
- invoice,
- irradiate,
- issue a command,
- issue a writ,
- jam,
- jam up,
- jam-pack,
- jet propulsion,
- job,
- job of work,
- jollies,
- jump off,
- jurisdiction,
- keep,
- keeping,
- kick,
- label,
- labor,
- labor costs,
- lade,
- lading,
- lash,
- lawsuit,
- lay,
- lay charges,
- lay on,
- laying of charges,
- legation,
- let fly,
- let off,
- levy,
- liabilities,
- liability,
- license,
- license fee,
- lieutenancy,
- lift,
- lightning attack,
- lightning war,
- line of duty,
- lion,
- liquid oxygen,
- live wire,
- living,
- load,
- loading,
- lodge a complaint,
- lodge a plaint,
- loop in,
- loyalty,
- lozenge,
- lumber,
- main force,
- main strength,
- make dutiable,
- make-work,
- mana,
- management,
- mandate,
- mantling,
- marshaling,
- martlet,
- mascle,
- mass attack,
- material costs,
- matters in hand,
- maturity,
- megadeath,
- metal,
- might,
- might and main,
- mightiness,
- millstone,
- ministry,
- mission,
- motto,
- mouthful,
- move,
- moxie,
- mugging,
- mullet,
- muscle power,
- must,
- name,
- national debt,
- need,
- nombril point,
- obligation,
- octofoil,
- odd job,
- offense,
- offensive,
- office,
- onset,
- onslaught,
- onus,
- operating costs,
- operating expense,
- oppress,
- oppression,
- or,
- ordain,
- order,
- order about,
- ordinary,
- orle,
- ought,
- outstanding debt,
- overburden,
- overcharge,
- overfill,
- overhead,
- overkill,
- overload,
- oversight,
- overtax,
- overtaxing,
- overweight,
- overweighting,
- pack,
- pad,
- palaetiology,
- pale,
- paly,
- panzer warfare,
- pastorage,
- pastorate,
- pastorship,
- patronage,
- payload,
- pean,
- pelt,
- penalty,
- penetrate,
- pensionary,
- pensioner,
- pepper,
- percolate,
- permeate,
- persuade,
- pervade,
- pheon,
- pick off,
- piece of work,
- pile,
- pilotage,
- pin on,
- pistol,
- pizzazz,
- place,
- placement,
- plaint,
- pledge,
- plenipotentiary power,
- plug,
- plug in,
- poison,
- poop,
- portage,
- post,
- pot,
- potence,
- potency,
- potentiality,
- potshoot,
- potshot,
- power,
- power of attorney,
- power pack,
- power structure,
- power struggle,
- power to act,
- powerfulness,
- preach,
- precept,
- prefer charges,
- prelacy,
- prepotency,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- presentment,
- press charges,
- press hard upon,
- pressure,
- preventive custody,
- price,
- price tag,
- prime,
- prime cost,
- pro rata,
- proclaim,
- procuration,
- productiveness,
- productivity,
- project,
- prompt,
- promulgate,
- pronounce,
- propellant,
- propulsion charge,
- prorate,
- prosecution,
- protection,
- protective custody,
- protectorship,
- protege,
- proxy,
- public charge,
- public debt,
- puissance,
- pull,
- punch,
- purpure,
- purview,
- push,
- put,
- put down,
- put on,
- put on report,
- put upon,
- quarter,
- quartering,
- quiver,
- race,
- radiumize,
- raid,
- ram in,
- rate,
- reaction propulsion,
- receive credit,
- rectory,
- refer,
- reference to,
- regency,
- regentship,
- remonstrate,
- replacement cost,
- report,
- reprehend,
- reproach,
- request,
- require,
- respect,
- responsibility,
- rest hard upon,
- riddle,
- right,
- rocket propulsion,
- rose,
- rule,
- run against,
- run at,
- running,
- rush,
- rush at,
- rush of emotion,
- sable,
- saddle,
- saddle with,
- saddling,
- safe hands,
- safekeeping,
- sally,
- saltire,
- salvage,
- satiate,
- saturate,
- say the word,
- score,
- scot,
- scot and lot,
- scutcheon,
- self-imposed duty,
- send out,
- sensation,
- service,
- set,
- shield,
- shipload,
- shiver,
- shock,
- shock tactics,
- shoot,
- shoot at,
- shoot down,
- short,
- short-circuit,
- shot,
- shudder,
- sinew,
- snipe,
- snootful,
- solicit,
- sortie,
- spread eagle,
- steam,
- steam up,
- step down,
- step up,
- stewardship,
- stick for,
- stiffen,
- stint,
- storage,
- storm,
- strength,
- strike,
- strong arm,
- stuff,
- subject to,
- subordinary,
- suffuse,
- suit,
- supercharge,
- superincumbency,
- superintendence,
- superintendency,
- superiority,
- superpower,
- supervision,
- surcharge,
- surfeit,
- surge of emotion,
- surveillance,
- swindle sheet,
- switch off,
- switch on,
- tab,
- take a potshot,
- take credit,
- take to task,
- tariff,
- task,
- taunt with,
- tax,
- taxing,
- teaching,
- tear,
- tell,
- tenne,
- things to do,
- thrill,
- thrust,
- tilt at,
- tincture,
- tingle,
- tingling,
- tithe,
- titillation,
- toll,
- top off,
- torpedo,
- torse,
- towage,
- trailerload,
- trainload,
- transfer,
- transfuse,
- tremor,
- tremor of excitement,
- tressure,
- trouble,
- truckload,
- true bill,
- trust,
- trusteeship,
- turn off,
- turn on,
- tutelage,
- twit,
- uncollectibles,
- unfulfilled pledge,
- unicorn,
- unit cost,
- unit quantity,
- unprovoked assault,
- unspoken accusation,
- urge,
- vair,
- validity,
- vanload,
- vehemence,
- veiled accusation,
- vert,
- vicarage,
- vicarious authority,
- vigor,
- vim,
- virility,
- virtue,
- virulence,
- vitality,
- wad,
- ward,
- wardenship,
- wardship,
- warhead,
- warm up,
- warn,
- warrant,
- watch and ward,
- wattage,
- weigh,
- weigh heavy on,
- weigh on,
- weigh upon,
- weight,
- weight down with,
- wharfage,
- white elephant,
- wind,
- wind up,
- wing,
- word,
- work,
- wreath,
- yale,
- yoke with