the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time; "the dank climate of southern Wales"; "plants from a cold clime travel best in winter"
the prevailing psychological state; "the climate of opinion"; "the national mood had changed radically since the last election"
(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity; "genes were formerly called factors"
become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan"
make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark
a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England
a garment made of motley (especially a court jester's costume)
having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use; "to succeed one must be adaptable"; "the frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths"