Exact Match:
- creed
- any system of principles or beliefs
- Athanasian Creed,
- Catechism,
- Nicene Creed,
- Weltanschauung,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- allegation,
- announcement,
- annunciation,
- articles of faith,
- articles of religion,
- assertion,
- asseveration,
- averment,
- avouchment,
- avowal,
- belief,
- catechism,
- church,
- communion,
- conclusion,
- connection,
- course,
- credenda,
- credo,
- cult,
- declaration,
- denomination,
- dictum,
- doctrinal statement,
- doctrine,
- dogma,
- enunciation,
- faith,
- formulated belief,
- gospel,
- guiding principles,
- ideology,
- ipse dixit,
- ism,
- line,
- manifesto,
- orthodoxy,
- persuasion,
- plan of action,
- platform,
- policy,
- political faith,
- political philosophy,
- polity,
- position,
- position paper,
- positive declaration,
- predicate,
- predication,
- principles,
- procedure,
- proclamation,
- profession,
- pronouncement,
- proposition,
- protest,
- protestation,
- religion,
- religious belief,
- religious faith,
- say,
- say-so,
- saying,
- school,
- sect,
- stance,
- stand,
- statement,
- system of belief,
- system of beliefs,
- teaching,
- tenet,
- theology,
- tradition,
- utterance,
- vouch,
- weltanschauung,
- word,
- world view