Exact Match:
- design
- the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"
- a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
- a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something; "the design of a building"
- an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
- intend or have as a purpose; "She designed to go far in the world of business"
- design something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"
- conceive or fashion in the mind; invent; "She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day"
- make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
- create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
- create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"
- abstract art,
- action,
- aim,
- aim at,
- ambition,
- anagnorisis,
- angle,
- animus,
- approach,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- argument,
- arrange,
- arrangement,
- art,
- art form,
- art object,
- artful dodge,
- artifice,
- artist,
- arts and crafts,
- arts of design,
- aspiration,
- aspire after,
- aspire to,
- atmosphere,
- attack,
- background,
- background detail,
- bag of tricks,
- balance,
- be after,
- beget,
- black and white,
- blind,
- blueprint,
- blueprinting,
- bluff,
- bosey,
- brainchild,
- breed,
- bric-a-brac,
- bring forth,
- bring into being,
- brouillon,
- brushwork,
- cabal,
- calculate,
- calculation,
- call into being,
- calligraphy,
- canon form,
- cartoon,
- cast,
- catastrophe,
- catch,
- cave art,
- ceramics,
- chalk,
- characterization,
- charcoal,
- charcoal drawing,
- chart,
- charting,
- chiaroscuro,
- chicanery,
- chouse,
- classic,
- coin,
- color,
- complication,
- composition,
- conation,
- conceive,
- conception,
- concert,
- concoct,
- configuration,
- connivance,
- conniving,
- conspiracy,
- constitution,
- construct,
- construction,
- contemplate,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- contrive,
- cook up,
- copy,
- counsel,
- coup,
- craft,
- crayon,
- create,
- creation,
- crosshatch,
- curve,
- curve-ball,
- cut out,
- cute trick,
- dash off,
- daub,
- deceit,
- decoration,
- decorative composition,
- decorative style,
- deliberation,
- delineate,
- delineation,
- denouement,
- depict,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- designing,
- designs,
- desire,
- destine,
- detail,
- determination,
- determine,
- develop,
- development,
- device,
- devise,
- diagram,
- dirty deal,
- dirty trick,
- disposition,
- dodge,
- doodle,
- dope out,
- draft,
- draftsmanship,
- draw,
- draw up,
- drawing,
- dream up,
- drive at,
- ebauche,
- effect,
- elevation,
- engender,
- engraving,
- enterprise,
- envisage,
- envisagement,
- envision,
- episode,
- esquisse,
- etching,
- evil intent,
- evolve,
- expedient,
- fable,
- fabricate,
- fakement,
- falling action,
- fashion,
- fast deal,
- feint,
- fetch,
- ficelle,
- figure,
- figuring,
- fine arts,
- fixed purpose,
- foil,
- folk art,
- forecast,
- foreground detail,
- foresight,
- forethought,
- forge,
- form,
- format,
- formation,
- frame,
- fugue form,
- function,
- gambit,
- game,
- game plan,
- generate,
- gimmick,
- give being to,
- give rise to,
- go for,
- goal,
- googly,
- graph,
- graphic arts,
- graphing,
- grift,
- grotesque,
- ground plan,
- grouping,
- guidelines,
- harbor a design,
- hatch,
- have every intention,
- hocus-pocus,
- house plan,
- ichnography,
- idea,
- improvise,
- incident,
- intend,
- intendment,
- intent,
- intention,
- intrigue,
- invent,
- invention,
- joker,
- juggle,
- jugglery,
- kitsch,
- knavery,
- lay out,
- lay plans,
- layout,
- lied form,
- limn,
- line,
- line drawing,
- lineup,
- little game,
- local color,
- long-range plan,
- machination,
- make,
- make a projection,
- make arrangements,
- make do with,
- make up,
- maneuver,
- manipulation,
- map,
- map out,
- mapping,
- master,
- master plan,
- masterpiece,
- masterwork,
- mature,
- mean,
- meaning,
- method,
- methodize,
- methodology,
- mind,
- mint,
- mobile,
- model,
- mood,
- motif,
- motive,
- mould,
- move,
- movement,
- museum piece,
- mythos,
- national style,
- nisus,
- nude,
- object,
- objective,
- old master,
- operations research,
- organization,
- organize,
- originate,
- ornamental motif,
- outline,
- paint,
- paint a picture,
- painterliness,
- pass,
- pastel,
- pasticcio,
- pastiche,
- pattern,
- pen-and-ink,
- pencil,
- pencil drawing,
- period style,
- peripeteia,
- perspective,
- photography,
- picture,
- picturize,
- piece,
- piece of virtu,
- plan,
- plan ahead,
- planning,
- planning function,
- plastic art,
- plot,
- ploy,
- point,
- portray,
- prearrange,
- prearrangement,
- primary form,
- primitive art,
- procedure,
- procreate,
- produce,
- profile,
- program,
- program of action,
- project,
- projection,
- proposal,
- propose,
- prospectus,
- prototype,
- purport,
- purpose,
- racket,
- rationalization,
- rationalize,
- recognition,
- red herring,
- reflection,
- repeated figure,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- rising action,
- rondo form,
- rough,
- rough copy,
- rough draft,
- rough outline,
- ruse,
- sake,
- schedule,
- schema,
- schematism,
- schematization,
- schematize,
- scheme,
- scheme of arrangement,
- scratch,
- sculpture,
- scumble,
- scurvy trick,
- secondary plot,
- set out,
- set up,
- setting,
- setup,
- shade,
- shading,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shift,
- silhouette,
- silver-print drawing,
- sinopia,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- sketch out,
- slant,
- sleight,
- sleight of hand,
- sleight-of-hand trick,
- sonata allegro,
- sonata form,
- spawn,
- stabile,
- statue,
- stencil,
- still life,
- story,
- stratagem,
- strategic plan,
- strategy,
- strike out,
- striving,
- structure,
- study,
- style,
- subject,
- subplot,
- subterfuge,
- switch,
- symphonic form,
- system,
- systematization,
- systematize,
- table,
- tactic,
- tactical plan,
- tactics,
- target,
- technique,
- the arts,
- the big picture,
- the picture,
- thematic development,
- theme,
- think,
- think of,
- think out,
- think up,
- thinking,
- thought,
- tint,
- toccata form,
- tone,
- topic,
- touch,
- trace,
- tracing,
- treatment,
- trick,
- trickery,
- twist,
- undertaking,
- values,
- view,
- vignette,
- virtu,
- visualize,
- volition,
- way,
- wile,
- will,
- wily device,
- work,
- work of art,
- work out,
- work up,
- working drawing,
- working plan