Exact Match:
- diet
- the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods)
- the usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal)
- a prescribed selection of foods
- a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)
- eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight
- follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
- British Cabinet,
- Sanhedrin,
- US Cabinet,
- abstain,
- acid-ash diet,
- advisory body,
- aliment,
- allergy diet,
- assemblee,
- assembly,
- assignation,
- association,
- at home,
- ball,
- bench,
- bicameral legislature,
- bland diet,
- board,
- board of aldermen,
- body of advisers,
- borough council,
- brain trust,
- brawl,
- break bread,
- cabinet,
- calorie chart,
- calorie counter,
- camarilla,
- caucus,
- chamber,
- chamber of deputies,
- city board,
- city council,
- colloquium,
- commission,
- committee,
- common council,
- conclave,
- concourse,
- conference,
- congregation,
- congress,
- consultative assembly,
- conventicle,
- convention,
- convocation,
- council,
- council fire,
- council of ministers,
- council of state,
- council of war,
- count calories,
- county council,
- court,
- dance,
- date,
- deliberative assembly,
- diabetic diet,
- diet book,
- dietary,
- dietetics,
- dieting,
- directory,
- divan,
- eat,
- eisteddfod,
- fall to,
- fare,
- fast,
- federal assembly,
- feed,
- festivity,
- fete,
- food,
- forgathering,
- forum,
- gathering,
- general assembly,
- get-together,
- high-protein diet,
- high-vitamin diet,
- house,
- house of assembly,
- housewarming,
- hunger,
- intake,
- junta,
- kitchen cabinet,
- legislative assembly,
- legislative body,
- legislative chamber,
- legislature,
- levee,
- lose flesh,
- lose weight,
- low-carbohydrate diet,
- low-salt diet,
- lower chamber,
- lower house,
- macrobiotic diet,
- meet,
- meeting,
- national assembly,
- nourishment,
- nutriment,
- panel,
- pap,
- parish council,
- parliament,
- partake,
- partake of,
- party,
- pitch in,
- plenum,
- privy council,
- prom,
- provincial legislature,
- provincial parliament,
- quorum,
- rally,
- reception,
- reduce,
- reduce weight,
- regime,
- regimen,
- relish,
- rendezvous,
- representative town meeting,
- salt-free diet,
- savor,
- seance,
- session,
- shindig,
- sit-in,
- sitting,
- slenderize,
- slim,
- slim down,
- soft diet,
- soiree,
- soviet,
- spoon victuals,
- staff,
- state assembly,
- state legislature,
- subsistence,
- sustenance,
- symposium,
- syndicate,
- synod,
- take,
- take off weight,
- taste,
- thin down,
- town meeting,
- tribunal,
- turnout,
- ulcer diet,
- unicameral legislature,
- upper chamber,
- upper house,
- vegetarianism,
- victuals,
- vitamin-deficiency diet,
- weight-watch