Exact Match:
- dissociation
- the act of removing from association
- (chemistry) the temporary or reversible process in which a molecule or ion is broken down into smaller molecules or ions
- a state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
- alienation,
- alpha decay,
- alternating personality,
- atom-chipping,
- atom-smashing,
- atomic disintegration,
- atomic reaction,
- atomization,
- autism,
- autistic thinking,
- avoidance mechanism,
- beta decay,
- blame-shifting,
- bombardment,
- breeding,
- bullet,
- catalysis,
- catalyst,
- chain reaction,
- cleavage,
- compensation,
- decay,
- decompensation,
- defense mechanism,
- depersonalization,
- dereism,
- dereistic thinking,
- dialysis,
- disassociation,
- disconnection,
- discreteness,
- disintegration series,
- disjunction,
- disjuncture,
- displacement,
- dissociation of personality,
- double personality,
- dual personality,
- emotional dissociation,
- emotional insulation,
- escape,
- escape into fantasy,
- escape mechanism,
- escapism,
- exchange reaction,
- fantasizing,
- fantasy,
- fission,
- fission reaction,
- flight,
- gamma decay,
- hydrolysis,
- hydrolyst,
- immateriality,
- impertinence,
- inapplicability,
- inappositeness,
- inconnection,
- inconsequence,
- independence,
- ionization,
- irrelation,
- irrelevance,
- isolation,
- mental dissociation,
- multiple personality,
- negativism,
- neutron reaction,
- nonreversible reaction,
- nuclear fission,
- nucleization,
- overcompensation,
- paranoia,
- paranoid personality,
- personality disorganization,
- photodisintegration,
- photolysis,
- projection,
- proton gun,
- proton reaction,
- psychotaxis,
- rationalization,
- resistance,
- reversible reaction,
- schizoid personality,
- schizoidism,
- schizophrenia,
- schizothymia,
- separateness,
- sociological adjustive reactions,
- split personality,
- splitting,
- splitting the atom,
- stimulation,
- sublimation,
- substitution,
- target,
- thermolysis,
- thermonuclear reaction,
- unconnectedness,
- unrelatedness,
- wish-fulfillment fantasy,
- wishful thinking,
- withdrawal