Exact Match:
- domicile
- (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time; "what's his legal residence?"
- abide,
- abiding place,
- abode,
- accommodations,
- address,
- bed,
- berth,
- bestow,
- billet,
- board,
- bunk,
- cantonment,
- cohabit,
- commorancy,
- crash pad,
- crib,
- diggings,
- digs,
- domiciliate,
- domus,
- doss down,
- dwell,
- dwelling,
- dwelling place,
- entertain,
- establish,
- habitation,
- hang out,
- harbor,
- home,
- house,
- housing,
- hut,
- inhabit,
- live,
- living quarters,
- locate,
- lodge,
- lodging,
- lodging place,
- lodgings,
- lodgment,
- nest,
- occupy,
- pad,
- perch,
- place,
- place to live,
- put up,
- quarter,
- remain,
- reside,
- residence,
- residency,
- roof,
- room,
- roost,
- seat,
- settle,
- shelter,
- situate,
- squat,
- stable,
- stay,
- tenant