someone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church but not in the Anglican Church or the Eastern Orthodox Churches
the kitchen area for food preparation on an airliner
(classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel propelled by oars
a large medieval vessel with a single deck propelled by sails and oars with guns at stern and prow; a complement of 1,000 men; used mainly in the Mediterranean for war and trading
the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China
a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China
a high public official of imperial China
any high government official or bureaucrat
a member of an elite intellectual or cultural group
shrub or small tree having flattened globose fruit with very sweet aromatic pulp and thin yellow-orange to flame-orange rind that is loose and easily removed; native to southeastern Asia
serve as a teacher or trusted counselor; "The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school"; "She is a fine lecturer but she doesn't like mentoring"
appealing to or using the intellect; "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature"
of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"
of or relating to the intellect; "his intellectual career"