Exact Match:
- exact
- marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact; "an exact mind"; "an exact copy"; "hit the exact center of the target"
- accurate,
- appreciative,
- ask,
- ask for,
- assess,
- attentive,
- badger,
- be hurting for,
- be indicated,
- blackmail,
- brook no denial,
- burden with,
- call for,
- careful,
- challenge,
- charge,
- charge for,
- claim,
- clamor for,
- close,
- compel,
- conscientious,
- conscionable,
- constant,
- consummate,
- correct,
- critical,
- cry for,
- cry out for,
- delicate,
- demand,
- demanding,
- detailed,
- dictate,
- differential,
- direct,
- discriminate,
- discriminating,
- discriminative,
- distinctive,
- distinguishing,
- enforce,
- enjoin,
- even,
- exacting,
- exigent,
- express,
- exquisite,
- extort,
- extract,
- faithful,
- fasten upon,
- fastidious,
- faultless,
- fine,
- finical,
- finicking,
- finicky,
- force from,
- freight with,
- full,
- fussy,
- gouge,
- have occasion for,
- heedful,
- identical,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- indent,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- infallible,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- insist on,
- insist upon,
- issue an ultimatum,
- lay,
- lay on,
- leave no option,
- levy,
- levy blackmail,
- literal,
- make a demand,
- make dutiable,
- mathematical,
- methodical,
- meticulous,
- micrometrically precise,
- microscopic,
- minute,
- narrow,
- necessitate,
- need,
- nice,
- oblige,
- order,
- order up,
- orderly,
- painstaking,
- particular,
- perfect,
- picayune,
- pinch,
- pinpoint,
- place,
- place an order,
- precious,
- precise,
- precisian,
- precisianistic,
- precisionist,
- precisionistic,
- prerequire,
- pro rata,
- proper,
- prorate,
- pry loose from,
- punctilious,
- punctual,
- puristic,
- put,
- put down,
- put in requisition,
- put on,
- put upon,
- refined,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- rend,
- rend from,
- require,
- requisition,
- right,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- rip,
- rip from,
- saddle with,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- screw,
- scrupulous,
- scrutinizing,
- selective,
- selfsame,
- sensitive,
- set,
- severe,
- shake,
- shake down,
- snatch from,
- special,
- specific,
- square,
- squeeze,
- stick for,
- strict,
- subject to,
- subtle,
- tactful,
- take doing,
- take no denial,
- task,
- tax,
- tear from,
- thorough,
- tithe,
- true,
- undeviating,
- unerring,
- very,
- want,
- want doing,
- warn,
- weight down with,
- wrench,
- wrench from,
- wrest,
- wring,
- wring from,
- yoke with