Exact Match:
- follow
- behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example"
- grasp the meaning; "Can you follow her argument?"; "When he lectures, I cannot follow"
- travel along a certain course; "follow the road"; "follow the trail"
- to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
- adhere to or practice; "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
- accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of; "Let's follow our great helmsman!"; "She followed a guru for years"
- come as a logical consequence; follow logically; "It follows that your assertion is false"; "the theorem falls out nicely"
- come after in time, as a result; "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake"
- be next; "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
- to bring something about at a later time than; "She followed dinner with a brandy"; "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
- abide by,
- absorb,
- accept,
- accept advice,
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accompany,
- accord,
- act up to,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- address,
- adhere to,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- admire,
- adopt,
- afford proof of,
- agree with,
- align,
- angle for,
- ape,
- appear like,
- appreciate,
- apprehend,
- approach,
- approximate,
- arise,
- around,
- ascertain,
- ask for,
- assimilate,
- assimilate to,
- attend,
- attend to,
- augment,
- back,
- back up,
- be advised by,
- be consistent,
- be faithful to,
- be found wanting,
- be guided by,
- be inferior,
- be into,
- be like,
- be redolent of,
- be strong in,
- be vigilant,
- be watchful,
- be with one,
- bear resemblance,
- beat about for,
- beau,
- become of,
- bedog,
- believe in,
- bend,
- bolster,
- bring home to,
- bring to mind,
- buttress,
- c,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- carry on,
- carry out,
- catch,
- catch on,
- chase,
- check out,
- check up on,
- chime in with,
- chivy,
- cinch,
- cleave to,
- clinch,
- collimate,
- collineate,
- come about,
- come after,
- come behind,
- come close,
- come last,
- come near,
- come of,
- come on,
- come out,
- come short,
- compare with,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- comprehend,
- conceive,
- conclude,
- conduct,
- confine,
- conform,
- conform to,
- connect,
- connect with,
- consolidate,
- consummate,
- continue,
- convoy,
- copy,
- copy after,
- correct,
- correspond,
- counterfeit,
- court,
- cultivate,
- dangle,
- delve for,
- demonstrate,
- desire guidance,
- determine,
- develop,
- dig,
- dig for,
- digest,
- discharge,
- discipline,
- displace,
- do,
- do justice to,
- dog,
- echo,
- employ,
- emulate,
- end,
- engage in,
- ensue,
- ensure,
- equate,
- equidistance,
- escort,
- esquire,
- establish,
- eventuate,
- evoke,
- exercise,
- eye,
- eyeball,
- fail,
- fall astern,
- fall back,
- fall behind,
- fall in with,
- fall out,
- fall short,
- fare,
- fathom,
- favor,
- feature,
- fill,
- fish for,
- fit,
- fix,
- flow,
- follow a clue,
- follow advice,
- follow at heel,
- follow from,
- follow implicitly,
- follow like sheep,
- follow suit,
- follow the crowd,
- follow up,
- fulfill,
- gaze at,
- gear to,
- get,
- get hold of,
- get the drift,
- get the idea,
- get the picture,
- give chase,
- go after,
- go along with,
- go back,
- go backwards,
- go behind,
- go by,
- go gunning for,
- go in for,
- grasp,
- gun for,
- hang about,
- harmonize,
- have,
- have a case,
- have a looksee,
- have it taped,
- have nothing on,
- heed,
- heel,
- hold by,
- hold good,
- hold in view,
- hold water,
- hollo after,
- hound,
- hunt,
- hunt down,
- hunt for,
- hunt up,
- imitate,
- implore counsel,
- inherit,
- inquire,
- investigate,
- issue,
- join,
- keep,
- keep faith with,
- keep in sight,
- keep in view,
- keep under observation,
- keep up with,
- ken,
- know,
- lag behind,
- lay siege to,
- learn,
- limit,
- line up,
- link up,
- live up to,
- look,
- look after,
- look at,
- look for,
- look into,
- look like,
- look on,
- look up,
- look upon,
- major in,
- make after,
- make conform,
- make good,
- make out,
- make suit to,
- master,
- match,
- meet,
- mimic,
- mind,
- minor in,
- mirror,
- model after,
- mold,
- move behind,
- nail down,
- narrow,
- near,
- nearly reproduce,
- nose,
- nose out,
- not approach,
- not come near,
- not compare,
- not hack it,
- not make it,
- not measure up,
- not tell apart,
- obey,
- observe,
- pan out,
- parallel,
- parallelize,
- partake of,
- pattern after,
- pay attention to,
- pay court to,
- perform,
- persevere,
- persist,
- place parallel to,
- play second fiddle,
- postdate,
- practice,
- prosecute,
- prove,
- prove to be,
- prove true,
- prowl after,
- pursue,
- quest,
- quest after,
- raise the hunt,
- rank under,
- read,
- realign,
- realize,
- reconcile,
- reconnoiter,
- rectify,
- reflect,
- regard,
- regress,
- reinforce,
- remind one of,
- remove all doubt,
- replace,
- resemble,
- respect,
- restrict,
- result,
- retrogress,
- revert,
- root for,
- rub off corners,
- run after,
- run down,
- run to earth,
- satisfy,
- savor of,
- savvy,
- scout,
- search,
- search for,
- see,
- see through,
- see to,
- seek,
- seek for,
- seek out,
- seem like,
- seize,
- seize the meaning,
- sense,
- serenade,
- serve,
- set at rest,
- settle,
- settle the matter,
- shadow,
- shape,
- show,
- simulate,
- smack of,
- smell out,
- sniff out,
- solicit advice,
- sound like,
- spark,
- specialize,
- specialize in,
- spy upon,
- squire,
- stack up with,
- stalk,
- still-hunt,
- straighten,
- string along,
- subserve,
- succeed,
- sue,
- suggest,
- suit,
- supersede,
- supervene,
- supplant,
- support,
- swain,
- sweetheart,
- tackle,
- tag,
- tag after,
- tag along,
- tail,
- tailgate,
- take,
- take advice,
- take after,
- take in,
- take on,
- take out after,
- take to,
- take up,
- tall,
- tally with,
- terminate,
- trace,
- trace down,
- track,
- track down,
- trail,
- trail after,
- trail behind,
- try to find,
- turn out,
- understand,
- undertake,
- unfold,
- use,
- view,
- wage,
- want,
- watch,
- woo,
- work at,
- work out,
- yield