gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land)
take the place of or have precedence over; "live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour"; "discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor"
scope for freedom of e.g. action or thought; freedom from restriction
the angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself
an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
freedom from normal restraints in conduct; "the new freedom in movies and novels"; "allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money"
a kind of person; "We'll not see his like again"; "I can't tolerate people of his ilk"
a similar kind; "dogs, foxes, and the like", "we don't want the likes of you around here"
resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality"
equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "an equal number"; "the same number"
feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard; "How did you like the President's speech last night?"
be fond of; "I like my nephews"
find enjoyable or agreeable; "I like jogging"; "She likes to read Russian novels"
pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"
select as an alternative; choose instead; prefer as an alternative; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast"
see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way; "She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam"
free from duties or responsibilities; "he writes in his leisure hours"; "life as it ought to be for the leisure classes"- J.J.Chapman; "even the artist and the sculptor were not leisured men"- Ida Craven