Exact Match:
- garden
- a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
- a yard or lawn adjoining a house
- the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden
- work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"
- Attic,
- Festschrift,
- Japanese garden,
- album,
- alpine garden,
- ana,
- analects,
- anthology,
- arboretum,
- average,
- beauties,
- bed,
- blooming,
- bloomy,
- blossoming,
- bog garden,
- border,
- botanical garden,
- bourgeois,
- canon,
- chaste,
- chrestomathy,
- classic,
- classical,
- collectanea,
- collected works,
- collection,
- common,
- commonplace,
- compilation,
- complete works,
- conventional,
- crop,
- delectus,
- dry garden,
- dryfarm,
- efflorescent,
- everyday,
- farm,
- floral,
- floreate,
- florescent,
- floriate,
- floriated,
- floricultural,
- florid,
- florilegium,
- flower bed,
- flower garden,
- flowered,
- flowering,
- flowers,
- flowery,
- garden spot,
- garden-variety,
- garland,
- grape ranch,
- grapery,
- grow,
- herbarium,
- homely,
- homespun,
- horticultural,
- hortulan,
- hortus siccus,
- household,
- in bloom,
- in blossom,
- in flower,
- inflorescent,
- jardin,
- kitchen garden,
- market garden,
- matter-of-fact,
- middle-class,
- miscellanea,
- miscellany,
- multiflorous,
- no great shakes,
- nondescript,
- normal,
- omnibus,
- ordinary,
- ornamental garden,
- paradise,
- photograph album,
- pinetum,
- plain,
- plastic,
- prosaic,
- prosy,
- pure,
- pure and simple,
- quotation book,
- radiciflorous,
- raise,
- ranch,
- rear,
- regular,
- rhizanthous,
- rock garden,
- roof garden,
- run-of-mine,
- run-of-the-mill,
- scrapbook,
- sharecrop,
- shrubbery,
- simple,
- suburban,
- sunken garden,
- symposium,
- tea garden,
- truck garden,
- unexceptional,
- uniflorous,
- unnoteworthy,
- unremarkable,
- unspectacular,
- usual,
- vegetable garden,
- victory garden,
- vinery,
- vineyard,
- workaday,
- workday