Exact Match:
- glide
- the activity of flying a glider
- move smoothly and effortlessly
- cause to move or pass silently, smoothly, or imperceptibly
- fly in or as if in a glider plane
- accented,
- acrobatics,
- advance,
- aerobatics,
- aeroplane,
- airlift,
- airplane,
- allophone,
- alveolar,
- apical,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- articulated,
- articulation,
- aspiration,
- assimilated,
- assimilation,
- avalanche,
- back,
- balloon,
- banking,
- barytone,
- be airborne,
- be effortless,
- be painless,
- bilabial,
- broad,
- cacuminal,
- central,
- cerebral,
- chandelle,
- check,
- checked,
- close,
- coast,
- coasting,
- consonant,
- consonantal,
- continuant,
- continue,
- crabbing,
- creep,
- cruise,
- dental,
- diphthong,
- dissimilated,
- dissimilation,
- dive,
- diving,
- dorsal,
- drift,
- elapse,
- endure,
- epenthetic vowel,
- expire,
- explosive,
- ferry,
- fishtailing,
- flat,
- flit,
- float,
- flow,
- flow on,
- flowing,
- fly,
- foot,
- front,
- ghost,
- give no trouble,
- gliding,
- glissade,
- glissando,
- glossal,
- glottal,
- glottalization,
- go by,
- go easily,
- go like clockwork,
- go on,
- gumshoe,
- guttural,
- hard,
- heavy,
- high,
- hop,
- hover,
- hydroplane,
- ice-skate,
- intonated,
- jet,
- labial,
- labialization,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- landslide,
- landslip,
- lapse,
- laryngeal,
- last,
- lateral,
- lax,
- light,
- lingual,
- liquid,
- low,
- manner of articulation,
- mid,
- modification,
- monophthong,
- monophthongal,
- morphophoneme,
- mouse,
- mute,
- muted,
- narrow,
- nasal,
- nasalized,
- navigate,
- nose dive,
- occlusive,
- open,
- oxytone,
- palatal,
- palatalized,
- parasitic vowel,
- pass,
- pass by,
- peak,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealization,
- pharyngealized,
- phone,
- phoneme,
- phonemic,
- phonetic,
- phonic,
- pitch,
- pitched,
- plosive,
- plow the deep,
- posttonic,
- power dive,
- present no difficulties,
- press on,
- proceed,
- prothetic vowel,
- pull-up,
- pullout,
- pushdown,
- pussyfoot,
- retroflex,
- ride,
- ride the sea,
- roll,
- roll on,
- roller-skate,
- rolling,
- rounded,
- run,
- run its course,
- run on,
- run out,
- run smoothly,
- sail,
- sailing,
- sailplane,
- scud,
- seaplane,
- segmental phoneme,
- semivowel,
- shoot,
- sideslip,
- skate,
- skateboard,
- skating,
- ski,
- skid,
- skiing,
- skim,
- skulk,
- sled,
- sledding,
- sleigh,
- slick,
- slidder,
- slide,
- slide down,
- sliding,
- slink,
- slip,
- slippage,
- slipping,
- slither,
- slithering,
- snake,
- sneak,
- snowslide,
- snowslip,
- soar,
- soft,
- sonant,
- sonority,
- speech sound,
- spiral,
- stall,
- steal,
- stop,
- stopped,
- stream,
- stressed,
- strong,
- stunting,
- subsidence,
- surd,
- sweep,
- sweeping,
- syllabic,
- syllabic nucleus,
- syllabic peak,
- syllable,
- tactical maneuvers,
- take the air,
- take wing,
- tense,
- thick,
- throaty,
- toboggan,
- tobogganing,
- tonal,
- tonic,
- transition sound,
- triphthong,
- twangy,
- unaccented,
- unrounded,
- unstressed,
- velar,
- vocable,
- vocalic,
- vocoid,
- voice,
- voiced,
- voiced sound,
- voiceless,
- voiceless sound,
- voicing,
- volplane,
- vowel,
- vowellike,
- walk the waters,
- weak,
- wide,
- wing,
- work well,
- zoom