a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad
a preparation used in polishing
of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage"
bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"
make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
concerned with or characterized by rigorous or adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art); "highly formalized plays like `Waiting for Godot'"
take out or remove; "take out the chicken after adding the vegetables"
take away a part from; diminish; "His bad manners detract from his good character"
remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state; "Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands"; "The car carried us off to the meeting"; "I'll take you away on a holiday"; "I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry"
take from a person or place; "We took the abused child away from its parents"
pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb"
remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"