Exact Match:
- heighten
- make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity; "heightened interest"
- become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
- increase the height of; "The athletes kept jumping over the steadily heightened bars"
- accelerate,
- add to,
- agent provocateur,
- aggrandize,
- aggravate,
- amplify,
- annoy,
- augment,
- beef up,
- better,
- blow up,
- boost,
- build,
- build up,
- buoy up,
- cast up,
- complicate,
- compound,
- concentrate,
- condense,
- consolidate,
- deepen,
- deteriorate,
- double,
- elevate,
- embitter,
- enhance,
- enlarge,
- erect,
- escalate,
- exacerbate,
- exaggerate,
- exasperate,
- expand,
- extend,
- heat up,
- heave,
- heft,
- heist,
- hike,
- hoick,
- hoist,
- hold up,
- hop up,
- hot up,
- improve,
- increase,
- intensify,
- irritate,
- jazz up,
- jerk up,
- key up,
- knock up,
- levitate,
- lift,
- lift up,
- lob,
- loft,
- magnify,
- make acute,
- make complex,
- make worse,
- mount,
- multiply,
- perk up,
- provoke,
- raise,
- raise up,
- ramify,
- rear,
- rear up,
- redouble,
- reinforce,
- rise,
- rouse,
- set up,
- sharpen,
- sky,
- soup up,
- sour,
- step up,
- stick up,
- strengthen,
- supplement,
- throw up,
- triple,
- up,
- upbuoy,
- upcast,
- upheave,
- uphoist,
- uphold,
- uplift,
- upraise,
- uprear,
- upsurge,
- upthrow,
- wax,
- whet,
- worsen