Exact Match:
- hunter
- a watch with a hinged metal lid to protect the crystal
- someone who hunts game
- a person who searches for something; "a treasure hunter"
- Nimrod,
- Orion,
- archer,
- artilleryman,
- beater,
- bidet,
- big game hunter,
- bird dog,
- bowman,
- cannoneer,
- carabineer,
- carriage horse,
- cart horse,
- cavalry horse,
- chaser,
- courser,
- crack shot,
- dead shot,
- deadeye,
- delver,
- digger,
- draft horse,
- dray horse,
- driving horse,
- field dog,
- fill horse,
- filler,
- follower,
- gigster,
- good shot,
- gun,
- gun dog,
- gunman,
- gunner,
- hack,
- hackney,
- hunting dog,
- huntress,
- huntsman,
- jacker,
- jacklighter,
- jument,
- lead,
- leader,
- marksman,
- markswoman,
- mount,
- musketeer,
- pack horse,
- palfrey,
- perquisitor,
- plow horse,
- pole horse,
- polo pony,
- post-horse,
- pursuant,
- pursuer,
- quester,
- ransacker,
- remount,
- research worker,
- researcher,
- researchist,
- rider,
- riding horse,
- rifleman,
- road horse,
- roadster,
- rouncy,
- rummager,
- saddle horse,
- saddler,
- searcher,
- seeker,
- shaft horse,
- sharpshooter,
- shikari,
- shooter,
- shot,
- sniper,
- sporting dog,
- sportsman,
- sportswoman,
- stalker,
- stalking-horse,
- sumpter,
- sumpter horse,
- targetshooter,
- thill horse,
- thiller,
- toxophilite,
- tracker,
- trapper,
- trapshooter,
- water dog,
- wheeler,
- wheelhorse,
- white hunter,
- workhorse,
- zetetic