a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"; "they yelled insults at the visiting team"
use wrongly or improperly or excessively; "Her husband often abuses alcohol"; "while she was pregnant, she abused drugs"
use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher"
treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed
hold something in one's hands and move it
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"
influence or control shrewdly or deviously; "He manipulated public opinion in his favor"
excessively and uncomfortably conscious of your appearance or behavior; "self-conscious teenagers"; "wondered if she could ever be untidy without feeling self-conscious about it"
aware of yourself as an individual or of your own being and actions and thoughts; "self-conscious awareness"; "self-conscious about their roles as guardians of the social values"- D.M.Potter
appearing or developing early; "precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias"
characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude); "a precocious child"; "a precocious achievement"
unfamiliar; "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job"
having no previous example or precedent or parallel; "a time of unexampled prosperity"
(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn"
in use after medieval times; "New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties"
not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World"
unaffected by use or exposure; "it looks like new"
a book in the Old Testament that tells the story of Jonah and the whale
a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him
(Old Testament) Jonah did not wish to become a prophet so God caused a great storm to throw him overboard from a ship; he was saved by being swallowed by a whale that vomited him out onto dry land