Exact Match:
- inalienable
- incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"
- bound up in,
- bound up with,
- deep-seated,
- esoteric,
- immanent,
- impartible,
- implanted,
- implicit,
- incommunicable,
- indefeasible,
- indissoluble,
- indivisible,
- indwelling,
- infixed,
- ingrained,
- inherent,
- inner,
- inseparable,
- internal,
- intrinsic,
- inward,
- inwrought,
- irreducible,
- noncommunicable,
- noncontagious,
- noninfectious,
- private,
- resident,
- secret,
- subjective,
- unalienable,
- unchallengeable,
- undividable,
- unimpartable,
- unquestionable